Friday, September 6, 2019

Solar wind causes polar lights is a lie. If there are charged particles come from the Sun striking earth atmosphere, their direction must be Sun-earth direction straight line. Impossible to cause spinning polar lights.

Nature created charged particles and Coulomb's law, falls asleep. And there was light, and the universe runs itself after.

Space expending is a lie. Only matters can expend or change. Star positions in night sky never changed a bit in the past few thousand years. Look our constellations.

Gravity is coexisting with matters/masses all the time, never stops attracting masses, therefore gravity is instantaneous, detected gravity wave from the past is a lie LIGO used to scam more $ from the Gov.

E=MC^2 is a lie. The only thing can move at light speed is light/energy, but light/energy has no mass.

If light/photon has mass, Why Navy laser weapon that can shut down airplane cannot move a flame? Why light cannot spin Crook's radiometer in a hard vacuum?

If photons have mass, hit the atmosphere at light speed, then the Sun-facing side atmosphere will be pushing to the other side. Why the atmosphere is even thickness on the light and dark side?

1 comment:

  1. Gravity is coexisting with matters/masses all the time, never stops attracting masses, therefore gravity is instantaneous, detected gravity wave from the past is a lie LIGO used to scam more $ from the Gov.

    Gravity lensing is a lie. Plasma on the Sun and gas clouds in deep space deflected light, not gravity. Gravity only can act on matter, not light/energy.

    Time dilation is a lie. Put same clocks on The Sun, Mars, moon and earth for 24 earth hours, all clocks will have different readings but all simultaneously spent same time.

    E=MC^2 is a lie. The only thing can move at light speed is light/energy, but light/energy has no mass.

    If light/photon has mass, Why Navy laser weapon that can shut down air plans cannot move a flame? Why light cannot spin light mills in a hard vacuum? Why Sunlight has no impact on the atmosphere?
