Sunday, September 15, 2019

Solar wind is impossible existing. Solar sail is impossible working.


If solar wind is real, if light can accelerate solar sail, then light will accelerate solar wind to light speed giving enough time, then all the light speed solar winds/charged particles from all the stars around us will destroy us instantly.

If solar wind is real, where are all the charged particles from all the solar winds from all the stars from all the past? Vanished into space? Landed on planets?

Solar wind causes polar lights is a lie. If there are charged particles come from the Sun striking earth atmosphere, their direction must be Sun-earth direction straight line. Impossible to cause swirling polar lights.

When the charged particles from the sun strike atoms and molecules in Earth’s atmosphere, they excite those atoms, causing them to light up. Wiki

If this is true, those charged particles will reform into hydrogen atoms and keep increasing in the air. Do we have hydrogen PPM raising?

If solar wind and photon particles strike atmosphere is true, then the sun-facing side atmosphere should be thinner than the dark side.

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