Friday, August 30, 2019

More common science lies - Van Allen Belts and solar wind

Sun's radiation can only coexist with matter/medium/air/water/glass. There is no radiation in the vacuum space.

There is no Van Allen Belts. Because there is no radiation out side of earth atmosphere. There is Sun's radiation on the surface of the moon, but there is no radiation in the space between Sun and moon. Radiation/light/EMF/Radiant energy must coexist with matter/medium.

There is no solar wind. What is the mechanism? How solar wind is produced? How solar wind can escape from Sun's gravity? Why electrons and protons in the solar wind don't form into hydrogen atoms? What is solar wind temperature? Where are all the solar wind go? Isn't matter conserved?

Scientists lied about gravity speed, light speed, black hole, dark matter, big bang, gravity lensing, space expending, background radiation. Detected gravity wave, took picture of black hole. moon landing, space missions, solar sail, EM Drive.

I wonder what's next lie.

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