Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
E=mc^2 is BS. Scientists don't know exactly what energy is yet. The ability to do work is their best description of energy. Energy has nothing to do with light speed. The light must coexist with its carrier/medium/matter. Light is oscillating electricity carried by oscillating atoms at visible frequency. Light induces light simultaneously throughout space due to the universal repulsion force. Light speed is the electricity moving rate in the medium. There is no light traveling in the vacuum space. All you know about light is a mistake. All scientists are wrong about light.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
There is no photon particle, no electron orbital, no electron particle.
All matters are formed from atoms. All atoms are formed from charged basic building blocks/so-called particles.
Therefore, all the secrets in the universe are hidden in the structure and function of the atoms.
We know the facts are:
1. Atoms are incompressible due to solid and liquid matters are incompressible in reality.
2. Electron is not a particle but incompressible fluid, due to atoms are incompressible, and due to particles cannot flow in conducting wire smoothly to carry electric current. All the electrons must move at the same time and the same speed in the wire to carry a smooth current. Think about cars on the highway, water in the waterline.
3. All life forms are formed from atoms, the secret of life must be hidden in the atoms.
So far, I know for sure that all motions are caused by force/electromotive force/energy, all forces are products of the electrostatic force coexisted with charged basic building blocks.
So I think and believe, the attraction and repulsion force coexisted with basic building blocks, the Coulomb's force F=Ke x PQ/R^2 is the source of life. We are electricity/energy living in a meat body. All the thinking and feeling and functions are just running electricity.
Open your mind, all the secrets are within you, heavens and kingdoms are within you. Even you are no good.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Force is matters/charges invisible massless body less arm that is infinitely long.
All forces are sourced from electrostatic force coexisted with charged particles and maters.
Gravity is the net electrostatic force between all charges in all matters.
Magnetic force is a circular electrostatic force carried by the magnet and the circling electric current.
All matters carry two kinds of forces.
A star/an atom carries universal gravitational force in its whole body, also carries universal repulsion force/levity on its surface.
Two atoms/stars at any distance, their line of sight surfaces repel each other with Coulomb's force F=Ke x q1q2/R^2. Q1 and Q2 are the negative charges on the line of sight surfaces.
Gravity powers matter formation and keep planets stay in stable orbits. Levity conducts light energy throughout space simultaneously.
I rediscovered levity last year, emailed to top 500 physics professors around the world to ask their thoughts, no one ever replies to me.
Levity Was Once a Scientific Term
Levity originally was thought to be a physical force exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction, like the helium in a balloon. As recently as the 19th century, scientists were still arguing about its existence.
What is the curvature of space-time? Matter or energy? What is space-time? Matter or energy? Physics becomes monkey tales?
Thursday, August 13, 2020
A few days later all mirrors are broken.
Do you know what happened?
I asked top 500 physics professors a question, no one answered, why?
link to (secure)
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
All modern theories are lies. The big bang is impossible due to the matter, energy, and momentum conservation laws. and due to the fact that matters are incompressible, there is no possibility for all matters condensed into a little dot.
The sun is not a fusion reactor, there is no light traveling in space at light speed.
There is no solar wind, no mass can escape from the sun. If solar wind is real, that means all the stars are farting out electrons and protons all the time. So where are all those protons and electrons? Vanished? Fall back on stars? Fall on earth?
Electricity is moving negatively charged incompressible fluid that is on the surfaces of the atoms.
The so-called electron particle does not exist. Present models of atomic structure are all wrong.
Atoms are incompressible spheres. Consists of a positively charged core with a negatively charged shell formed a solid ball, and a floating negatively charged outer liquid shell.
The outer shell is constantly bouncing back and forth at radius direction with the so-called nucleus due to the formation energy atom carried.
Every atom is an AC generator, a transformer, a perpetual machine.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
All the chemists are wrong about oxygen.
Oxygen is the real fuel in nature. Carbon fuel is just like a trigger/helper to release energy/EMF stored in oxygen atoms. Any elements that can interact with oxygen can produce heat energy/vibrating electrostatic force/AC.
The energy in oxygen atom is carried by oscillating charged particles/matters within the atom.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Light is not particle or wave. Light is alternating current at visible frequency carried by oscillating atoms.
There is no light existing in vacuum space, light must coexist with matter/medium.
Sunlight does not radiate or propagate in space at light speed 3 x 10^8 m/s. Sunlight induces lights on earth and moon and other planets instantly simultaneously due to the universal repulsion force between the line of sight surfaces of the masses at a distance.
Learn about universal repulsion force from my book or this forum post I asked top 500 physics professors a question, no one answered, why?
Sunday, August 9, 2020
1. If an electron is a charged particle, it will be attracted by the charged nucleus and crash into it.
2. If an electron is orbiting the nucleus ( no known mechanism yet), atoms will be easily compressed and crashed.
3. If an electron is a particle, then alternating current cannot flow freely in the conductor. Because electron particles in atoms are compressible. For current to flow freely in conductors, the electrons must be similar to water flows in water lines. Electrons in conductors must be incompressible.
Present theories of atomic structure are all mistaken. Atoms are incompressible spheres.
To those who have some basic knowledge of electronics.
Let me ask you a question. If the water is not liquid but separated water balls in the waterline, can water flow smoothly? Can water supply be instant?
If electrons are charged little balls in copper wires, how can AC work?
Without knowing the precise structure of the atoms, all fundamental physics theories are assumptions.
Water is not compressible. Ice is not compressible. The facts proved atoms are incompressible.
Therefore the standard model is mistaken stating that atoms contain 99.9999% empty space.
If atoms are having 99.9999% empty space, matters will be 99.9999% compressible. Electrons will be attracted by protons and crash into the nucleus.
Theoretical physics today is religion, controlled by stupid shameless mainstream physicists and followers.
Their time is up, the masses are waking.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
The standard model is the biggest joke in physics. Fully demonstrated how foolish and shameless are theoretical physicists.
All the matters we see are indestructible, all the solid and liquid matters are incompressible.
Those facts prove atoms are indestructible and incompressible.
How can atoms be 99.9999% empty as the standard model described?
Theoretical physicists cannot see the facts are foolish, Deny facts and lying are shameless.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Relativity is based on two assumptions.
1. All physics laws are the same in the whole universe.
2. Light propagates in vacuum space at 3 x 10^8 m/s.
Einstein famously said in 1954 that after 50 years of research, he has no clue about what are light quanta. Everyone thinks he knows it is mistaken.
The fact is light is oscillating atoms carried oscillating electrostatic force at visible frequency. The light must coexist with the matter/medium, there is no light existing or propagating in vacuum space.
Einstein thinks gravity is not a force but the curvature of space-time. He states that space tells matter how to move and the matter tells space how to curve. The fact is gravity is the most accurate measured fundamental force coexisted with masses. Space-time has no real meaning, no curvature, space can not tell matters how to move, only force can move matters. And matters can not tell space how to curve, space has nothing can be curved. It is all word puzzle, monkey story.
There is no black hole, no gravitational wave, no big bang. All BS.
The theory states that the electromagnetic waves propagate in vacuum space at 3 x 10^8 m/s. The fact is there is no electric and magnetic force carrier that exists in the vacuum space, therefore it is impossible producing any waves.
The theory states that the current flows back and forth in the antenna can produce EM waves. The fact is an antenna is a terminal of an electrical circuit, not a closed circuit, it is impossible to have current flows back and forth.
The theory states that the conductors carry free electrons. The fact is free electrons will flow to positively charged nuclear first due to the super-strong electrostatic attraction force. If there are free electrons in conductors, they will discharge into nuclear and destroy the atoms.
Equations without precise mechanism is just BS.
Maxwell is wrong about EM waves propagating in vacuum space at light speed. It is BS.
There is no light existing in the vacuum space. There are no EM waves at all.
EM waves are a misinterpretation of oscillating current coexisting with oscillating atoms.
One electron and one proton at any distance will attract each other and accelerate to each other on a straight line and collide. It is impossible to form into a table atom that the electron is waving or clouding or orbiting the proton. Simply because there is no force existing between the two oppositely charged particles other than the electrostatic attraction force F=Ke x PE/R^2.
All the matters we see are indestructible, all the solid and liquid matters are incompressible.
Those facts prove atoms are indestructible and incompressible.
How can atoms be 99.9999% empty as the standard model described?
Therefore, all the theories based on the standard model is BS.
Until they discover and prove the precise structure of the atoms, no fundamental theories can be correct.
Relativity, QM, electromagnetism, and cosmology are all BS.
If they cannot see the facts, they are fools. If they know the facts, they are liars.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How to prove it?
Electric Current speed in conductors must be instantaneous otherwise alternating current is impossible working.
The present theory says current speed in the conductor is light speed is mistaken. All the electrons in the current must move simultaneously similar to water movement in the waterline.
Water in the waterline is not compressible. Current in the wire must not be compressible. Otherwise constant current flow will be impossible.
Solid and liquid matters are not compressible, therefore atoms must not be compressible. Electron clouds or electron shells or electron waves or electron orbits are easily compressible. The present theory says atoms are 99.9999% empty space is totally impossible. Atoms must be solid balls, otherwise, matters cannot be incompressible.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Gravity is constantly holding planets orbiting the sun on stable orbits. Gravity is coexisting with all masses in the space. Gravity has no speed. Only motion matters have speed. Simple facts they are too blind to see or incapable to see. And they are liars saying gravity waves traveling in space at light speed and they detected gravity waves from billion years ago.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Atomic Structure Theory
A positively charged core with a negatively charged shell, and a floating negatively charged outer shell that is constantly oscillating at the radius direction due to the attraction force from the core and the repulsion force from the core-shell, and the formation energy co-existed with the atom.
Notice the small magnet in the video at 1.33 attracting by the big magnet and accelerating to it and bouncing back and forth for a little while? Without friction, it will be a perpetual machine just like an atom.
The momentum of the outer shell is conserved, so atoms are AC generators and transformers, bigger mass carries more energy and has a denser energy density, therefore, has a higher temperature and oscillate at a higher voltage.
The amount of the charge of the atom core, inner shell, and outer shell governed mass and oscillation frequency. And its chemical behavior and physical properties such as conductivity. The outer shell oscillation frequency governs color, voltage governs temperature.
The outer shell is made of incompressible fluid not electron particles that orbiting or clouding or stand waving around atom core/nuclear. Otherwise, the electric current is impossible flowing smoothly in conductors. Why? If electrons can flow in conducting wires they will flow to the positively charged nuclear first due to Coulombs force.
The standard model of the atomic structure is incorrect at all.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
The present theory says current speed in the conductor is light speed is mistaken. All the electrons in the current must move simultaneously similar to water movement in the waterline.
Water in the waterline is not compressible. Current in the wire must not be compressible. Otherwise constant current flow will be impossible.
All motions and happenings are coexisting at forever ongoing now. All motions are simultaneous.
1. Energy must coexist with the matter. There is no light/EM wave/photon in the vacuum space.
2. Atoms are alternating current generators, transformers, perpetual machines.
3. Light/EM wave/photon is alternating current in matters.
4. Gravity does not propagate in vacuum space at light speed, gravity is coexisting with matters, gravity constantly simultaneously attracting all matters in space.
5. Thermal energy is alternating current matters carried. Higher temperature matters carry higher voltage alternating current.
6. Electron is not a particle and does not orbit nuclear, the electron is an incompressible fluid and bounce back and forth at radius direction.
7. The sun is not a fusion reactor but an AC generator and a transformer.
8. The universe is self-existing and immortal existing.
9. Universal repulsion force is the instant conductor of light in vacuum space. F=Ke x e1e2/R^2, e1, e2 is the line of sight electron charge on the surfaces of mass 1 and mass 2.
10. Time is forever ongoing now, past and future only exist in our minds.
11. There is no field but force coexisting with matters.
12. Magnetic force is a circular electrostatic force carried by the circular current in conductors or concentric dipole rings in magnet. Gravity is the net electrostatic force between all charged particles within distant matters.
Many many more. Such as solar wind does not exist, light does not radiate into space.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
All the atoms are made from charged particles, irrefutable fact.
In the logic view, God must create charged particles first.
In the scientific view, after God created charged particles, he falls asleep forever.
Why? Because the big bang theory says so? No, that theory is a big fart in history and a big joke conflicted with energy and matter conservation laws. The matter is not compressible, all matters condensed into a singularity is utter BS.
Why did I say God falls asleep forever? Because chared particles formed into all matters in the universe is the fact.
In the scientific view, God is all charged particles. We are all part of God.
Compare to all the living forms we know of, WE ARE THE GODS.
We created Gods in books and stories, many Gods. Which one is real? Why?
We thought God is love. Best though a man can have.
Then follow God to love others.
stfu and do it. If you already find the way.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Forces are coexisting with matters. Forces can only exist with matters. There is no force in the vacuum space, due to no matter exists in the vacuum space to carry force.
To think space has force field is mistaken. The force field does not exist, the force only coexists with the matter.
Force field, in fact, is the body of the matter. Outside of the matter, there is no force. We should have a new physics law. Matter and force coexisting law.
If there is any matter, then there is force. Matter and force are inseparable.
Gravity waves and light waves are coexisting with matters. No waves are propagating in space at all.
Sunlight and earth daylight are coexisting, oscillating at the same frequency forever.
Friday, July 3, 2020
1. Energy must coexist with the matter. There is no light/EM wave/photon in the vacuum space.
2. Atoms are alternating current generators, transformers, perpetual machines.
3. Light/EM wave/photon is alternating current in matters.
4. Gravity does not propagate in vacuum space at light speed, gravity is coexisting with matters, gravity constantly simultaneously attracting all matters in space.
5. Thermal energy is alternating current matters carried. Higher temperature matters carry higher voltage alternating current.
6. Electrons in atoms do not orbit nuclear, they collide and bounce back and forth at radius direction.
7. The sun is not a fusion reactor but an AC generator and a transformer.
8. The universe is self-existing and immortal existing.
9. Universal repulsion force is the instant conductor of light in vacuum space. F=Ke x e1e2/R^2, e1, e2 is the line of sight electron charge on the surfaces of mass 1 and mass 2.
10. Time is forever ongoing now, past and future only exist in our minds.
11. There is no field but force coexisting with matters.
12. Magnetic force is a circular electrostatic force carried by the circular current in conductors or concentric dipole rings in magnet. Gravity is the net electrostatic force between all charged particles within distant matters.
Many many more. Such as solar wind does not exist, light does not radiate into space.
Energy must coexist with the matter. Energy density is proportional to mass and gravity. The more mass attracted together the higher gravity the higher energy density and higher temperature. Bigger stars are hotter, oscillating at a higher voltage.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
No matter, no force, no field in vacuum space. No fabric of space-time, no ripples of gravity waves in vacuum space. No aether, no frame drug in vacuum space. No light, no gravity field, no gravity force, no energy, no photon, no EM waves in vacuum space. All BS.
The standard model is the biggest joke in physics. Fully demonstrated how foolish and shameless are theoretical physicists.
All the matters we see are indestructible, all the solid and liquid matters are incompressible.
Those facts prove atoms are indestructible and incompressible. How can atoms be 99.9999% empty as the standard model described?
Theoretical physicists cannot see the facts are foolish, Deny facts and lying are shameless.
Can anyone debunk it?
If not, clear your minds and learn from the basics. What is the precise structure of the atoms?