What is photon?
There is no such thing as photon particle, light quanta, energy pocket or quantum. Quantum anything is imaginary.
What is photon made of? How electrons emit photon? What is the mechanism? What is photon's frequency? What is photon's wave length? Where are photons go?
Light is vibrating electrostatic force carried by vibrating electrons. Light is not wave nor particle. Light is vibrating electrostatic force passing through matter/medium produced mechanical wave, science call it electromagnetic wave. Photoelectric effect is a misinterpretation of vibrating electrostatic force at work.
Electrons are on the surface of all matters, electrons are constantly vibrating, therefore all maters are light source, all matters are visible and detectable.
There is no light in vacuum space, light must coexist with matter. There is no EM waves or photon particles radiate out from the Sun into empty space at light speed C.
The Sun's radiation/vibrating electrostatic force is instantaneously shared with surrounding matters/planets/moons/other stars. The Sun is not ongoing fusion reactor, it will never cool off. All energy is shared by all maters forever.
All waves are energy passing through matter produced mechanical wave. There is no light waves in space, waves must coexist with medium/matter. Shin a red laser beam passing through a vacuum glass bottle, the red beam in the bottle will disappear, why?
Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in a medium. Light speed in vacuum is infinite. Use MIT trillion frame per second camera to measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle, you can prove light speed in vacuum is infinite. You can win Nobel Prize, prove relativity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are all wrong.
There is no such thing as photon particle, light quanta, energy pocket or quantum. Quantum anything is imaginary.
What is photon made of? How electrons emit photon? What is the mechanism? What is photon's frequency? What is photon's wave length? Where are photons go?
Light is vibrating electrostatic force carried by vibrating electrons. Light is not wave nor particle. Light is vibrating electrostatic force passing through matter/medium produced mechanical wave, science call it electromagnetic wave. Photoelectric effect is a misinterpretation of vibrating electrostatic force at work.
Electrons are on the surface of all matters, electrons are constantly vibrating, therefore all maters are light source, all matters are visible and detectable.
There is no light in vacuum space, light must coexist with matter. There is no EM waves or photon particles radiate out from the Sun into empty space at light speed C.
The Sun's radiation/vibrating electrostatic force is instantaneously shared with surrounding matters/planets/moons/other stars. The Sun is not ongoing fusion reactor, it will never cool off. All energy is shared by all maters forever.
All waves are energy passing through matter produced mechanical wave. There is no light waves in space, waves must coexist with medium/matter. Shin a red laser beam passing through a vacuum glass bottle, the red beam in the bottle will disappear, why?
Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in a medium. Light speed in vacuum is infinite. Use MIT trillion frame per second camera to measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle, you can prove light speed in vacuum is infinite. You can win Nobel Prize, prove relativity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are all wrong.
Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of electrostatic force at work. Spooky action at a distance is not spooky at all. Any pair of charged particles are connected by Coulomb's force, therefore they are entangled at any distance, they share information instantaneously.
Quantum anything is imaginary. There is no such thing as photon particle/light quanta. Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize, but later Einstein admitted it was wrong.
All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954
Quantum anything is imaginary. There is no such thing as photon particle/light quanta. Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize, but later Einstein admitted it was wrong.
All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954