Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What is photon?

There is no such thing as photon particle, light quanta, energy pocket or quantum. Quantum anything is imaginary.

What is photon made of? How electrons emit photon? What is the mechanism? What is photon's frequency? What is photon's wave length? Where are photons go?

Light is vibrating electrostatic force carried by vibrating electrons. Light is not wave nor particle. Light is vibrating electrostatic force passing through matter/medium produced mechanical wave, science call it electromagnetic wave. Photoelectric effect is a misinterpretation of vibrating electrostatic force at work.

Electrons are on the surface of all matters, electrons are constantly vibrating, therefore all maters are light source, all matters are visible and detectable.

There is no light in vacuum space, light must coexist with matter. There is no EM waves or photon particles radiate out from the Sun into empty space at light speed C.

The Sun's radiation/vibrating electrostatic force is instantaneously shared with surrounding matters/planets/moons/other stars. The Sun is not ongoing fusion reactor, it will never cool off. All energy is shared by all maters forever.

All waves are energy passing through matter produced mechanical wave. There is no light waves in space, waves must coexist with medium/matter. Shin a red laser beam passing through a vacuum glass bottle, the red beam in the bottle will disappear, why?

Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in a medium. Light speed in vacuum is infinite. Use MIT trillion frame per second camera to measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle, you can prove light speed in vacuum is infinite. You can win Nobel Prize, prove relativity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics are all wrong.
Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of electrostatic force at work. Spooky action at a distance is not spooky at all. Any pair of charged particles are connected by Coulomb's force, therefore they are entangled at any distance, they share information instantaneously.

Quantum anything is imaginary. There is no such thing as photon particle/light quanta. Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize, but later Einstein admitted it was wrong.

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954
  • Joe Oclon A photon is when a change in the electromagnetic field raises the energy level of one electron in such a way that a chemical reaction which previously did not have enough energy to happen, happens. Often this is a dot on a photosensitive plate.
  • Joe Oclon The photon is the detection. Either you have one or you don't.
  • Joe Oclon My opinion on this is that we detect photons as quantized because electron orbitals are discrete. Gravitational Waves would be quantized if planet orbitals were discrete. We need a large group of electrons to detect one photon, as large of a detector as the wavelength of the photon, yet only one electron's energy level is increased. It is a good question Joe Chang
    • Joe Chang How photon can pass through water at the same speed without slowing down like a real particle? How photons can accelerate from glass into air? What is the mechanism?
    • Joe Oclon The photon is a change in the field. That change propagates out at the speed of light. There are several ways of looking at why light changes velocity but I will find a legitimate video. I forgot what the reason is for light slowing down in a medium but most of the explanations out there online are wrong.
    • Joe Oclon
      This guy is a real legitimate source. Very good and correct. I just forgot what he said about it since whatever he said is still jumbled with other wrong ideas i had or i wasn't paying enough attention.
      Why does light slow down in water?
      Why does light slow down in water?
      Why does light slow down in water?
    • Charles W. Shults III Photons existed long before electrons, and so electrons don't control the properties of photons. They are just tools for interactions with them due to their strong EM field coupling constant.
    • Joe Chang Joe Oclon That guy is a kook from femi lab. Go read my comments on that video.
    • Joe Oclon Charles W. Shults III Do you have some evidence that changes in the electromagnetic field are quantized at temperatures too hot for electrons or without the presence of electrons?

      A photon is when we detect a photon. How are you going about detection? 
    • Joe Chang If you have true knowledge, why need to quite this and that?
    • Charles W. Shults III Joe Oclon, early in the universe's history, there was a period when it was too hot for the particles we see today such as protons and neutrons. Previous to that it is theorized that even electrons could not exist. This was perhaps in the first second……查看更多
    • Joe Oclon Come on Joe Chang. You are a guy in a physics group on facebook. You would not like people to call you a kook.

      True knowledge? Joe Chang, Unless I say it is my opinion, I looked it up. I watched videos. I learned the math. I quote others because they are smarter and know more than I do. That is why i understand these questions of yours and you do not; I do the hard work to learn.

      The video in question explains that light moves slower through a medium because it is a wave, and it interracts with other electromagnetic waves within the medium as the wave interacts with the electrons and it goes at the velocity of the two combined waves.
    • Joe Oclon Charles W. Shults III, my disagreement with you is probably whether the photon is quantized when it is traveling. I think electromagnetic waves travel out just like gravitational waves. The quantization happens through detection, and detection is with electrons in discrete orbitals.
    • Charles W. Shults III I do not disagree with you.
    • Joe Chang Joe Oclon Waves must coexist with medium, how light waves move in vacuum space? How wave interacts with electron? What is precise mechanism? What medium is in space?
    • Daniel McCutcheon Joe Chang Medium in space is mostly dark energy and dark matter
    • Joe Chang Read and believe and repeat and show off? What is the content of dark matter and energy?
    • Daniel McCutcheon Joe Chang The content is in the name; energy, and matter.
    • Daniel McCutcheon Joe Chang I'll accept your attempted insult as a compliment btw.
    • Joe Chang No answers on google and wiki?
    • Joe Chang Who is spreading nonsense?

  • Yanick Borg Technically he's right. All there is, is a blurry spot on a detector plate.
  • Yanick Borg However, he might want to look at Einstein's photoelectric experiment.
  • Joe Chang Quantum anything is imaginary. There is no such thing as photon particle/light quanta. Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize, but later Einstein admitted it was wrong.

    All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954
  • Joe Oclon Joe Chang, several times you talk about what light is. An electric field and a magnetic field is present in all of space, everywhere. These fields have varying strengths at different points in space. Accelerating an electric field creates a magnetic fi……查看更多
  • Joe Chang The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons or other free carriers when light hits a material. Electrons emitted in this manner can be called photoelectrons. This phenomenon is commonly studied in electronic physics, as well as in fields of c……查看更多
  • Joe Chang All you read and learned but controlled mainstream science. You read and believe and repeat without understanding precise mechanism supported every theory. ……查看更多
  • Daniel McCutcheon "EM waves or photon particles radiate out from the Sun into empty space at light speed C." Space isn't empty. Space is 100% full of energy.
  • Daniel McCutcheon "All energy is shared by all maters forever." Not true. Study black hole theory.
    • Joe Chang I already proved black hole is a scam, none existence. What is a black hole before a star in dying? A star? Has more mass and bigger gravity? Why is it visible?
    • Daniel McCutcheon Joe Chang It has same mass as a star. It's the speed of the star's collapse that allows for higher density and deeper gravity well.
    • Joe Chang Which one has stronger gravity? A star or when it is dying and forming a black hole? How could more gravity star is shining but a black hole with less gravity can band light at same direction? What is the mechanism?
    • Joe Chang If gravity can bend light at same direction, why large and small stars have same light speed?
    • Joe Chang You do understand that gravity and light direction are the same that perpendicular to the surface of the star right?

  • Daniel McCutcheon "Light speed in vacuum is infinite." Not true, since our universe isn't infinite in size.
    • Joe Chang That is not even rational. No matter the size of the universe, has nothing to do with light speed in vacuum space. No matter how far away, light is instantaneous.
    • Daniel McCutcheon Joe Chang Wrong. 'instantaneous' typically implies infinite length.
  • Daniel McCutcheon Light is energy in 1d form, that has 2d characteristics. And I don't want to hear you argue this point. Accept facts and move on.
  • Daniel McCutcheon 'Electric universe' is a fake theory. Stop spreading nonsense Joe Chang We've given you more of enough of a chance to prove your points, but your theory is constantly riddled with errors.

  • Yanick Borg Joe Chang

    When what hits a material ?? I thought you said light doesn't exist ?
  • Yanick Borg The word puzzle monkey story is exceedingly good at making predictions.
  • Joe Chang Such as what?

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