Thursday, August 10, 2023

A Collection of Scientific Lies

Global warming is a lie There has been no change in recorded sea levels, average temperatures and the ppm of CO2. Obama and the elites are buying beachfront property is a fact.

All Space missions are lies. Rockets are advanced fireworks. Bigger size and more stages do not increase efficiency. The more fuel carried, the more fuel required for liftoff. Rocket propulsion is similar to firing machine gun utilizing the recoil for propulsion. There is absolutely no way to escape Earth's gravity.

Nuclear fusion and subatomic particles are lies. The smallest particle that exists is hydrogen atom. Hydrogen atom is indestructible. Electrons protons neutrons are lies. Charged particles could not exist or they would all be attracted by the Coulomb force and turn into a massive ball. The universe would not have stars and planets.

The Earth has magnetosphere, magnetic poles and magnetic field, has two Van Allen Belts, has solar wind creating polar lights are all lies. 

The tides are caused by the moon’s gravitational force is also a lie. Tides are an illusion of thermal expansion of the earth crust moving coastal line in the stable oceans. 

Physicists discovered many new sub atomic particles, detected gravitational waves, took pictures of black holes are all lies that won Nebel Prizes and breakthrough prizes.

Science after the 19th century was a cult. Corrupt scientists and politicians created NASA, CERN, LIGO, particle and fusion labs to scam tax dollars for over 100 years now. Nuclear fusion is still fictional. 

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