Friday, August 11, 2023

How the Sun illuminates the Earth and the Moon

Because the outer layer of all atoms are negatively charged, the atoms on the visible surfaces of the Sun, Earth, and Moon repel each other with a Coulomb force. This repulsive force was called levity by scientists before 19 century. I name it universal repulsion force. It is a fundamental force of mass. 

This repulsive force conducts an oscillating electricity instantaneously at any distance. This is the true mechanism of radiation and light.

The voltage of the oscillating electricity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This is why planets closer to the sun are hotter. This is also the true mechanism of the second law of thermal dynamics. 

Physicists incorrectly believe that light, which is a photon particle emitted by the sun, takes 8 minutes to reach the earth and illuminate everything.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

A Collection of Scientific Lies

Global warming is a lie There has been no change in recorded sea levels, average temperatures and the ppm of CO2. Obama and the elites are buying beachfront property is a fact.

All Space missions are lies. Rockets are advanced fireworks. Bigger size and more stages do not increase efficiency. The more fuel carried, the more fuel required for liftoff. Rocket propulsion is similar to firing machine gun utilizing the recoil for propulsion. There is absolutely no way to escape Earth's gravity.

Nuclear fusion and subatomic particles are lies. The smallest particle that exists is hydrogen atom. Hydrogen atom is indestructible. Electrons protons neutrons are lies. Charged particles could not exist or they would all be attracted by the Coulomb force and turn into a massive ball. The universe would not have stars and planets.

The Earth has magnetosphere, magnetic poles and magnetic field, has two Van Allen Belts, has solar wind creating polar lights are all lies. 

The tides are caused by the moon’s gravitational force is also a lie. Tides are an illusion of thermal expansion of the earth crust moving coastal line in the stable oceans. 

Physicists discovered many new sub atomic particles, detected gravitational waves, took pictures of black holes are all lies that won Nebel Prizes and breakthrough prizes.

Science after the 19th century was a cult. Corrupt scientists and politicians created NASA, CERN, LIGO, particle and fusion labs to scam tax dollars for over 100 years now. Nuclear fusion is still fictional. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How the sun works

Scientists falsely claim that the Sun is a fusion reactor, constantly emitting photon particles and solar wind.

In fact, all stars are balls of mass, warmer, brighter matter that are oscillating generators and transformers.

Because each atom has its own unique structure, it is an oscillating generator and transformer.

Atoms are eternal generators and transformers

All atoms consist of indestructible, electrically charged hollow spheres and internally charged solid spheres. The so-called electrons are actually negatively charged liquids attached to the surface of the atom.

The hollow sphere has multiple layers, each with an opposite charge.

The inner sphere and inner layers of all atoms have the same charge.

According to Coulomb's law, the inner balls of all atoms oscillate constantly at a natural frequency and never touch the inner layers. Theoretically, the ability of an atom to carry an infinite amount of energy depends on the input.

The more atoms there are, the higher the energy density, the higher the temperature, and the brighter the light. Atoms oscillate at higher voltages.

Stars do not emit energy or photons outward, but induce other masses around them to oscillate at their frequency. This is the true mechanism of light, photons and radiation.

Relatively and QM are useless in reality

But for physicists, it is the perfect tool to cheat tax dollars by faking space missions, fusion and subatomic particle research, and detecting hypothetical black holes and gravitational waves.

Moving into the modern scientific era, the first real prediction of a total solar eclipse (time and place) occurred in 1715. Comet Edmond Halley accurately predicted a total solar eclipse within 4 minutes and 20 miles of his home in London. He made full use of Isaac Newton's new theory of gravity and orbital mechanics: the Principia.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Theoretical physicists are pigs and liars

You all know that Einstein said that anyone who thinks they know what a light quantum/photon is is wrong. Yet you all spread the lie that photons are real particles and take 8 minutes to travel from the sun to the earth.

You all know that planets cannot have stable orbits if gravity is not instantaneous. Yet spread the lie that gravitational waves move at the speed of light. 

You all know that imaginary electrons and protons must be attracted to each other by the Coulomb force and cannot be separated. Yet he spread the lie of discovering many many subatomic particles and won many Nobel Prize. 

You all know that mass ejection propulsion technology is based on the law of conservation of momentum, so the center of mass doesn't move no matter what. Yet spread the lie that space missions are real. 

You all know that the average temperature of the earth, the sea level, and the ppm level of CO2 in the atmosphere have never changed in the last hundred years of scientific record. But spreading the lie that global is warming. 

Are your head full of monkey brains?

Our planetary system lies on the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way. NASA  

How do tree bugs recognize the size and shape of a forest?

Have you seen NASA's clear images of black holes and galaxies billions of light years away?

Why don't they show us cars and flags from the near-by moon?

They can send a helicopter to Mars, but they can't send a GoPro to the moon?

The impossibility of space travel

The mass ejection technique follows the law of conservation of momentum, so that the center of mass does not move, no matter how large the ejection volume or how fast the ejection speed.

A rocket leaves the Earth at an escape velocity of 11,000 meters per second.

It decelerates at 9.8 meters per second and stops at zero speed 18 minutes later, reaching an altitude of 7,000 kilometers above the Earth. It will then fall back to Earth in 18 minutes.

The moon is 380,000 kilometers high above earth. How can any rockets fly to the Moon or Mars? NASA absolutely faked all space missions.

Friday, August 4, 2023

How atoms carry energy

All atoms consist of indestructible, electrically charged hollow spheres and internally charged solid spheres. What are called electrons are actually negatively charged liquids attached to the surface of the atom.

The inner ball of an atom is constantly oscillating at a natural frequency  

The oscillating current/energy is proportional to the mass/charge of the oscillating inner sphere and the oscillating voltage.

The color of an atom is determined by its oscillation frequency.

The temperature of an atom is proportional to its oscillating voltage. Mechanism of the second law of thermodynamics.

Why matter has mass

Matter is made of atoms. Atoms are made of electrically charged atomic parts.

Atomic parts have an electric charge. All charges carry the Coulomb force.

The mass of an atom is equal to the charge it carries. The mass of a piece of matter is equal to the total mass of the atoms in that matter.

Atom and electron

All atoms consist of indestructible, electrically charged hollow sphere and internally charged solid sphere.

Outside each atom is a layer of negatively charged liquid that scientists mistaken for electrons.

This liquid attaches to non-metal atoms due to outer layer is positively charged and floats on metal atoms due to outer layer is negatively charged. The floating liquid on the surface of a conductor conducts electricity.

Electricity is generated instantaneously, just as water flows instantaneously through a water pipe.

The voltage of the electricity is proportional to the moving speed of the floating liquid. 

Atoms are eternal generators and transformers

All atoms consist of indestructible, electrically charged hollow sphere and internally charged solid sphere. What are called electrons are actually negatively charged liquid attached to the surface of the atom.

The hollow sphere has multiple layers, each with an opposite charge.

The inner sphere and inner layer of all atoms have the same charge.

According to Coulomb's law, the inner sphere of all atoms are oscillating constantly at a natural frequency and never can touch the inner layer. Theoretically, the ability of an atom to carry any amount of energy depends on the input.

Due to every atom has equal positive and negative charge. Therefore they all attract each other like magnets attract magnets no matter direction or distance. This is the mechanism of gravity. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Nature’s way of life

Nature’s way of life follows the law of conservation:

H2O + CO2 + Electricity generated by the sun's rays on earth = CH2O + O2

CH2O + O2 = H2O + CO2 + 300+400 KJ

Trees eat CO2, drink water, and produce CH2O and O2 in sunlight to provide us with food.

We eat CH2O, drink water, breathe in O2, generate electricity to sustain life, and exhale CO2 and water to feed the trees.

This is how nature cycles life. The man-made cycle couldn't be better.

Burning plants, coal and oil to produce energy is by far the best way. All other methods are wrong.

After industrialization, we produced a lot of CO2, but the global temperature did not change. The ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere has remained the same. The fact is, the more we produce, the more plants grow, that's the balance of nature. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The easiest way to prove that the earth is not flat

Compass, type measurer, pen and paper. Everything you need.

Observe the shadow of an utility pole in your neighborhood at high noon, and when the shadow is moved to its shortest position, call your friends live at different time zooms and ask them to observe their poles and measure the length of the poles as well as the length and direction of the shadows. Measure the length of the poles on the ground at a 45-degree angle.

Analyze the data. Draw your own conclusion and try to calculate the size of the earth. 

Words are created by humans

Words like water, cloud, color, mass, and temperature are tangible existences that we can see, touch, Measure and feel.

Words like electron, quantum, field, space-time, higher dimensions, black hole, magnetosphere, photon, solar wind, Van Allen belts, magnetic field, etc., on the other hand, are fictional word puzzles with no physical existence used by scientists in their erroneous theories.

Similarly god is religious people created unicorn fart. 

Energy is motive force

Energy and matter coexist inextricably. A moving mass carries kinetic energy. Mass at rest carries potential energy. All mass carries thermal energy.

All energy is essentially electrical. Heat energy is an oscillating current produced by atomic oscillations.

Unidirectional electricity is produced by batteries, solar cells, or transformers. Oscillating electricity is produced by generators or light.

Light is oscillating electric atoms carried at visible frequencies.