Earth has no magnetosphere is a fact.
Magnetic force decays at 1/rrr. Earth magnetic force is 0.3 gauss at sea level. How strong it will be at space beyond earth atmosphere? How can such weak magnetic force in space around earth becomes magnetosphere?
How can so called such magnetosphere protect earth from what solar wind?
How can such magnetosphere capture and held charged particles in space to become Van Allen Belts around earth? What mechanism?
No magnets can capture and held charged particles in labs. There is no mechanism to make it happen.
Man are slaves of their own knowledge.
ReplyDeleteIf earth has magnetic poles, how strong are they in order to produce 0.3 gauss force at equator which is thousands miles away? If earth has such strong magnetic poles why iron is not heavier than gold at the so-called poles?
ReplyDeleteMagnetic force decays at 1/rrr. Earth magnetic force is 0.3 gauss at sea level. How strong it will be at space beyond earth atmosphere? How can such weak magnetic force in space around earth becomes magnetosphere?
Top five scientific lies around the earth
Earth has no tide
Earth has no magnetic poles
Earth has no magnetosphere
Earth has no Van Allen Belts
Polar lights are not caused by solar wind
Solar wind does not exist
Sunlight stays within earth atmosphere
Atom is all seen eye. Lines of sight atoms are repelling/connecting each other with universal repulsion force. We can see due to atoms can see.
ReplyDeleteWhat causes Van Allen Belt? Does it has mass? Why not falls to earth? Does it cast shadow on earth? Does it grow in size?
ReplyDeleteHow earth’s weak magnetic force capture and held charged particles in space? No magnets can capture and held electrons and protons is fact. Why there are two Van Allen Belts? Does earth magnetic field have two separate parts?
ReplyDeleteIsn’t all event, happening, working, thinking, existing are simultaneity?
ReplyDeleteWhat is time? What is past, present and future? We use timer to measure time. The readings is not time but timers moving rate. Without matter and motion there would be no time exist.
Time is universal ongoing existing. There is no time dilation but timer dilation.
Time travel is scientists foolish idea. They think time is a physical location not a concept.
scientific word puzzles are the main content of modern physics. Uncertainty principle and wave particle duality are good examples. Electron and proton form into hydrogen atom. There is only electrostatic attraction force existing, what is uncertain? Wave is matter move in pattern and cycle, particle is particle. What duality? What is quantum, quantum state, quantum level, electron shell, electron orbital, electron wave, electron hole, probability? All unicorn fart.
ReplyDeleteYou are way behind reality. Electron and proton charged particles are impossible to exist. Charged particles accelerating produce transverse EM wave is a lie. What in empty space carries charged particles?
ReplyDeleterelativity is based on light speed in vacuum is C. There is no light propagating in space. Therefore his theory is mistake. There is no time dilation but timer dilation. Time has no physical existence cannot be touched/dilated. Agree? Gravity is mass attraction force measured in labs, spacetime curvature is simple BS. Why scientists are so stupid to accept BS theories?
ReplyDeletescientific word puzzles are the main content of modern physics. Uncertainty principle and wave particle duality are good examples. Electron and proton form into hydrogen atom. There is only electrostatic attraction force existing, what is uncertain? Wave is matter move in pattern and cycle, particle is particle. What duality? What is quantum, quantum state, quantum level, electron shell, electron orbital, electron wave, electron hole, probability? All unicorn fart.
ReplyDeleteAm I closer to my dream?
ReplyDeleteWhat’s worth in my heart?
Concentrate on finding the mystery of life. What else do I want?
ReplyDeleteNo food without feel hungry. No weed if high already. No give without asking.
ReplyDeleteWork body and mind. Concentrate on atomic structure.
Talk to no one but god