Fusion is a scientific $ scamming game
Energy powers all motions existing, including our thoughts. It is energy living in our bodies and thinking in our brains.
Energy lives within matters/atoms/charged atom parts, powers charged atom parts to form into oscillating atoms, acting and reacting with other atoms, form into matters and living life forms.
Energy is the electrostatic attraction force and repulsion force coexisted with charged atom parts.
If there are electron and proton particles existing, they must attracted together under Coulomb's force. The universe will be a big star and nothing else existing.
All the mechanisms, nature laws, happenings are powering by EMF/electrostatic force at motion/motion charged atom parts. All the secret and truth are within electromotive force.
Electromotive force/energy and its carrier/matter are the source of everything existing. electrostatic force is the mother of all fundamental forces. Magnetic force is circular electrostatic force carried by circular current in medium/conductor, or circular electrostatic force carried by concentric dipole rings within magnet.
Gravity is net Coulomb's force between all charged particles in all matter. Neutrally charged masses still inducing electrostatic attraction force, similar to married people still induce sexual attraction.
Universal repulsion force/used called levity is the repulsion force between lines of sight particles on the surfaces of all matters/masses/atoms. This force F=Ke x q1q2/r^2 is the immortal conductor of energy between masses in space, simultaneously instantly transfer energy/light/radiation/photon/EMwave between matters throughout space.
Light does not travel in space at light speed and take 8 minutes from the sun to earth, light is AC in the medium/plasma/air/water/glass, light on the sun induces light on earth instantly immortally, energy is coexisting with matters, never can vanish/leak/radiate into empty space, therefore energy is conserved.
Stars are not fusion reactors and constantly radiate energy/light into empty space, space is perfect insulator, otherwise the temperature of the universe will be keep raising, end up all masses at same temperature due to thermodynamic equilibrium.
All scientists saying the sun is fusion reactor are mistaken. They still don't know light is AC in the medium, not wave or particle propagate in space. They sill don't know how 1 electron and 1 proton form into a stable hydrogen atom. Theoretical physics today is full of mistakes, yet mainstream denies all facts and new theories, the future is as bright as dark matter.
Fusion research started from 1920s, until today it is still 20 years away from reality according to physicists. How long can their lies last?
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