Vatanpreet sent December 5, 2020 at 2:55 AM
Hi sir. Influenced by your posts in a group, I started following you. You did mention in your bio that you've found a true mechanism by how everything goes on.…a mechanism which nature follows. If you allow me, can I know about this mechanism too?
6:34 AM
You sent Today at 6:34 AM
electrostatic force coexisted with matters powers everything. energy is electricity.
You can now call each other and see information like Active Status and when you've read messages.
8:07 AM

Vatanpreet sent Today at 8:07 AM
And what's the origin of this electricity
You sent Today at 8:44 AM

Vatanpreet sent Today at 8:44 AM
But that seems illogical because how something can exist without a cause
You sent Today at 8:46 AM
not created by us must be self-existed. the origin must be self-exised
You sent Today at 8:47 AM
the cause isself-existng
You sent Today at 8:50 AM
conservation laws tell us the big bang is impossible
You sent Today at 8:51 AM
existingis immortal

Vatanpreet sent Today at 8:54 AM
But big bang is thought to be the part of collision-division of other universes in multiverse arena
You sent Today at 8:54 AM
thought to be is BS
You sent Today at 8:56 AM
present theoretical physics is all BS
You sent Today at 8:56 AM
even electromagnetism is BS

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:05 AM
What is BS
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:05 AM
So you want to say that no reason can be assigned to the existence at the first place
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:05 AM
And the very fundamental unit of existence is nothing but electricity
You sent Today at 9:06 AM
i say the big bang is BS due to conservaton laws are true.

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:07 AM
You sent Today at 9:07 AM
i think God is self-existed atoms. basic atom building blocks.

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:07 AM
But big bang seems to be well explained with m theory
You sent Today at 9:08 AM
every atom is a perpetual machine.

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:08 AM
You sent Today at 9:08 AM
big BS

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:08 AM
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:08 AM
You sent Today at 9:08 AM
conservation laws
You sent Today at 9:09 AM
are you confused?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:09 AM
There are big bangs happening every now and then as predicted by the m theory
You sent Today at 9:09 AM
there is no other Gods in physics

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:09 AM
I seem confused
You sent Today at 9:09 AM
m BS, you are retard

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:10 AM
You sent Today at 9:10 AM
read and accept without understanding the mechanism

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:11 AM
I know mass energy conservation laws contradict with the big bang theory
You sent Today at 9:12 AM
god's far is still a far

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:12 AM
You sent Today at 9:12 AM
You sent Today at 9:12 AM
why not askme why say electromagnetism is BS?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:14 AM
So the mechanism that you have ends at the big bang explaining it self existing phenomena seems legit until predictions of multiverses are proven
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:14 AM
Tell me why electromagnetism is Bullshit
You sent Today at 9:14 AM
multiverse s BS

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:15 AM
Oh I see
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:15 AM
Okey for a minute i forget i ever heard about multiverse just to understand your mechanism better
You sent Today at 9:15 AM
they say current flows back and forth in an antenna willproduce radio wave. is the right?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:16 AM
You think there's something wrong with all the theoretical physics
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:16 AM
I don't know
You sent Today at 9:16 AM
you don't know electromagnetism?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:17 AM
I know
You sent Today at 9:17 AM
so how can current flows in an antenna?
You sent Today at 9:18 AM
current flows in closed circuits

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:18 AM
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:18 AM
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:18 AM
I got your point
You sent Today at 9:19 AM
why cant you see t earlier?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:19 AM
So what's that in antennas which makes communication possible
You sent Today at 9:20 AM
power lnes are constantly producng EM waves?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:20 AM
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:20 AM
So that's the flaw in theoretical physics
You sent Today at 9:21 AM
electronic works is applied science, the theories are allBS

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:22 AM
So electricity is something misunderstood
You sent Today at 9:22 AM
light waves are longitudinal electrostatic waves. there isno EM waves

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:22 AM
How this relates with big bang can you explain
You sent Today at 9:22 AM
yes, EM wave is BS

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:23 AM
There's lot for me to know from you yet
You sent Today at 9:23 AM
big bang relates toonly BS
You sent Today at 9:23 AM
how much you know physics?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:24 AM
I'm even confused
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:24 AM
I'm in college
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:24 AM
You sent Today at 9:24 AM
what's you major?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:26 AM
undergraduate student of science I study math and physics and chemistry
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:26 AM
Wait current flows in closed circuits is a flaw fine but why big bang seems to be bullshit
You sent Today at 9:28 AM
cus cv laws are not BS

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:28 AM
You seem to disagree with whole of the theoretical physics so what are your thoughts on relativity
You sent Today at 9:29 AM
there is only 1 truth
You sent Today at 9:29 AM
You sent Today at 9:29 AM
did you read my book yet?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:29 AM
okey let's go with the truth only
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:29 AM
No sir
You sent Today at 9:30 AM see you ater, got to go. great day

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:32 AM
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:32 AM
Should we continue the conversation or the book will provide me with some answers

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:40 AM
I haven't found the book but some articles is that what you want me to read I've read some of them already and I'm trying to read them all to better understand your thoughts on everything

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:58 AM
Sir you definitely know a lot more than me but why don't you try to publish your theories and present your scientific papers to the scientific community
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:58 AM
You should try to get your thoughts to bigger crowd and you should try to prove the legitimacy of your thoughts
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:58 AM
I would advise you to defend your mechanism in front of whole scientific community to make everyone aware of your thinking about the true mechanism of nature
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:58 AM
your arguments are pretty debatable and need recognition
Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:58 AM
Thanks for your time sir
You sent Today at 9:59 AM
i am back

Vatanpreet sent Today at 9:59 AM
You sent Today at 9:59 AM
thank you too
You sent Today at 10:00 AM
now you know what i know and you agree, why don't you do the spreading?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:00 AM
You should try to develop the mathematical forms of your arguments. that would be really helpful sir
You sent Today at 10:00 AM
my math sucks, can you help?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:02 AM
As I said these all are arguments but already known theories like em waves relativity and black holes have mathematical frameworks
You sent Today at 10:02 AM
al BS, agree?
You sent Today at 10:02 AM
e=mc^2 is BS, agree? understood?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:04 AM
Well sir if you've got some mathematical equations which explain the same events as previous theories explain then not only me but everyone would agree with you
You sent Today at 10:04 AM
read my book, yet?
You sent Today at 10:05 AM
if not stfu

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:07 AM
I've read your points and it requires great deal of creativity to look for flaws in already renowned science
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:07 AM
I didn't get your book all there was just your articles
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:07 AM
Don't be rude sir
You sent Today at 10:08 AM
so what?
You sent Today at 10:09 AM
just kiddding

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:09 AM
What I want to say is that you should approach scientific community with your work on your theories
You sent Today at 10:09 AM
they all hate me

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:09 AM
I don't want you to explain your mechanism to each and everyone you should just get the attention you need
You sent Today at 10:10 AM
all forums banned my ip,
You sent Today at 10:10 AM
reddit delete my post,

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:10 AM
Thats barbaric
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:10 AM
You sent Today at 10:11 AM
controlled reigion
You sent Today at 10:11 AM
igo there to tell them their god is fake
You sent Today at 10:11 AM
they all wantto kill me
You sent Today at 10:12 AM
why don't you try post something in science forums andsee for youeself
You sent Today at 10:13 AM
it is dark and evil community

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:14 AM
Don't publish your work on random websites
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:14 AM
You're a professor right
You sent Today at 10:14 AM
i did not, fb only
You sent Today at 10:14 AM
i am college drop out

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:14 AM
You sent Today at 10:17 AM
seen ghost?
You sent Today at 10:19 AM
you are pretty good for agreeing some of my BS. use them to teach the world, get famous.

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:19 AM
Now just try to prove that you can mould your theories into equations like that one with e=mc2. And then don't publish your work anywhere except making a email to the scientific American or some other community.
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:19 AM
Now just try to prove that you can mould your theories into equations like that one with e=mc2. And then don't publish your work anywhere except making a email to the scientific American or some other community.
You sent Today at 10:19 AM
help those poor sheeple

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:20 AM
No never
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:20 AM
II mean I never seen ghosts
You sent Today at 10:20 AM
scientific areBS?
You sent Today at 10:21 AM
have youraed my open letter to breakthrough and nobel pries?

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:22 AM
Sir try to be humble and if you want all to hear you then you'd have to approach scientific community
Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:22 AM
No sir
You sent Today at 10:23 AM
they will nerve reply
You sent Today at 10:25 AM
see for yourself

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:25 AM
Sir it's not easy to deny the theories formulated over the period of hundreds of years. these theories seem to work perfectly till now. And that's why I want you to just not argue but prove that you are right
You sent Today at 10:26 AM
stfu and read

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:26 AM

Vatanpreet sent Today at 10:30 AM
Wait you believe coulombs law to be true then you can derive your theories from this coulombs equation as you say everything theoretically you can use coulombs equation to create a framework for your theory. Thanks for your time I'll talk to you later and try to make sense of what you're saying in your articles. Bye for now
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