Force is the internal property of the matters. Force line and force field are imaginary non-existent word puzzles that commonly used in theoretical physics.
Such as photon, quantum, black hole, dark matter, strong force, gravity wave, time travel, virtual particle, wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, electron orbital, electron shell, electron cloud, electron-hole, heat death, fusion, free energy, electromagnetic wave, the big bang, solar wind, background radiation, gravity lensing, space-time curvature, etc.
You must be thinking I am crazy. But what if I am 100% correct?
Two hydrogen atoms 1 and 2 at a sun-earth distance, proton 1 attracts electron 2 and repels proton 2, proton 2 attracts electron 1 and repels proton 1, electron 1 attracts proton 2 and repels electron 2, electron 2 attracts proton 1 and repels electron 2. The net Coulomb's force is always an attractive force which is proportional to the product of total charges within the two atoms. Total charges equal to mass. Without charges, there is no mass. This is the mechanism of universal gravitational force.
Two balls 1 and 2 at any distance, their whole body attract each other with gravity. We all know this fact from textbooks. But textbooks missed universal repulsion force.
Electrons are on the surface of atoms/matters, line of sight electrons on the two balls repel each other with Coulomb's force which is 10^39 times stronger than gravity. This super-strong electrostatic force physicists forgot is powering all phenomena in nature other than gravitation. Such as light, the so-called EM wave, photoelectric effect, photosynthesis, induction, radiation.
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