Monday, May 18, 2020

Time travel has no physical meaning. Time is not a physical location/place that can to visited. Time is universal, all existing, all happening are simultaneously at this forever ongoing now. Past is not existing anymore, future is not existing yet, all but imaginary in our minds.

Relativity is based on false assumption, light speed in vacuum space is not constant but infinite. Scientists still not sure about the true mechanism of light. That is why wave-particle duality been accepting, and theoretical physics went to wrong direction, totally lost.

  • Every theory has been popular for a period of time, only the true ones can last. Such as Newton's laws and Coulomb's law. Maybe my laws too. But I think all the credit belongs to Those two greatest laws existing. I am just a better translator. I dropped out college, read few books, never passed calculus, average ip. I am sure everyone can be better translator, don't read and accept no theories, without understanding the precise mechanism behind of it. 3+5=8, without 3 and 5, 8 is imaginary. Before you understand the structure of the atoms, you cannot correctly understand the rest of physics. All secrets of nature are hidden in your mind and nature itself, only you can find it. Think deeper, doubt deeper, follow proven physics laws and facts. 3+5=8, 2+6=8, 1+7=8. See nature numbers as facts. Nature is but facts.

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