Friday, September 13, 2019

An open letter to the Breakthrough Prize

You people are so stupid. Black holes are scientist's toys to scam $ and fame. Black holes are impossible to exist. Here are the reasons. Hope you guys have open minds and rational thinking, but I highly doubt. You rewarded fake gravity wave detection and fake black hole picture taking.

1. A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because the matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying. Wiki

If this is true before the star is dying, what is it? A star we can see? Does it has stronger gravity to pull light into it? Why not? If so, are those big stars should be a black hole in the beginning?

2. A black hole can not be seen because strong gravity pulls all of the light into the middle of the black hole. Wiki

Science is not a monkey story, all things have a precise mechanism. What is the mechanism of gravity pulls light into a black hole? Light direction and gravity direction are the same that perpendicular to the surface of any stars, how can gravity pulls light at the same direction even if gravity can bend light? If gravity can slow down the light speed, why big and small stars have the same light speed?

3. Are stars gravity bend light the same way as black holes gravity bend light? What is the precise mechanism?

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