Friday, May 8, 2020

You got to be dumber than a flat-earther to believe this moon landing shit.

0.03  Two backpacks one light one dark.

0.33  The area of the backpack in the shadow should be totally dark and invisible.

1.53  The areas of their spacesuits in the shadows should be totally dark and invisible.
LIGO detected gravitational waves from two black holes merged 1.3 billion years ago is impossible lie. 

black hole can not be seen because strong gravity pulls all of the light into the middle of the black hole. -Wiki

Theoretical physics is not a monkey story, all theories must have a precise mechanism. What is the mechanism of gravity pulling light into a black hole? 

Gravity only attracts/pulls matter/mass, does light/photon/EM wave have mass? If not, then the black hole is impossible to exist. If yes, then gravity will accelerate incoming light and decelerate outgoing light, then light speed will not be constant, bigger starlight will be slower than small starlight.

Gravitational waves are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime, generated by accelerated masses, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light.-Wiki

What is spacetime? Matter or energy? Real stuff or imaginary? What is the curvature of spacetime?  What is accelerated mass? What exactly propagate as waves from accelerated mass at light speed? What is the precise mechanism? How to measure its speed? 

Gravity is coexisting with all matters/masses, constantly simultaneously pulling all matters, therefore, it has infinite speed. If the sun has a quake, all the stars and planets in the universe will simultaneously sense it.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

0.33  Who is taking the video? How? Are those four funnels jet nuzzles for controlling the craft?

7.01  Why so bright under the morning sun? The sun is on the right side, why the left side of the craft is brighter?

14.33 to 14.50  The sun is on the top of the craft, the shadow is moving down. Everything in the shadows should be totally dark and invisible.

0.53 The lens is facing the sun, how can he take pictures of the earth?

1.47 At 230 miles above the earth, you can only view 3% of the earth's surface. To view the red sea like that, the ISS should be at least 1000 miles above the earth.

5.20  Top right corner, those two white poles in the shadow should be invisible. The solar panel should be invisible.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

So fake. Who is filming it? How?

4.53 The sun is on top, why the bottom part of the craft is visible? Why the area in the shadow is visible not totally dark?

1.00  Broken rope?

1.07  Will she blinds by the sunlight?

1.13  How can sunlight grow in space that has no air? How can solar panel and her uniform are visible but in front of the sun?

1.43 to 1.47  See gravity pulls the thing swinging to the right?

2.29   The solar panel should be all dark in the shadow, the shadows on ISS should be dark and invisible.

3.19   Broken belt?

3.37   Shadows on the right should be all dark and invisible.

3.33  The diameter of the earth is 7900 miles, the ISS is 240 miles above the earth, at that distance you can view only 3% of the earth's surface, so how could half of the earth be in the view?

5.26  The shadows of his shoes on his legs should be totally dark and invisible.

6.58  The shadows on his butts and the right leg should be totally dark and invisible.

9.09  The guy on the left is holding a secret weapon.

1.17.40  How many light sources they have? Why stuff in the shadows are visible?

6.45.57 to 6.46.25  The white tap is moving, what is it? Why some of ISS parts are visible in the shadows?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

27.22  The shadows on their spacesuits should be totally dark.
           The flag and its shadow should connect together not separate.
           The two astronauts' shadows should be as wide as their bodies.
           The shadow of the astronaut on the left should be much longer. 

22.14  He is in the shadow, how come his whole body is bright? 25.26  The flag is in the shadow, why it is visible?

57.39 Compare to earth curvature the sun should be much smaller. The sun should be a bright round disk and the background should be totally dark.

0.15 See the red stripe in the shadow on his left leg? Without sunlight reflecting from it, it should be invisible.

2.30 The red stripe on his leg should be invisible. 

1.14 The sun should be just a bright disk without light beams spreading out due to there is no air in space to deflect sunlight.

The solar panels in the shadows should be as dark as the black background.

3.03 So fake, space has no air to deflect sunlight, should be all dark but sun-facing earth surface.

3.42.53 Why the top left solar panel in the shadow is visible? It should be as dark as the background space.

4.24.38 There is no air in space to deflect sunlight, the sun should be just a bright disk without glows.

22.49  Where is the sun? Why solar panels are reflecting light but the telescope is in the shadow?

24.55  Windy in space? Why there is light reflected from shadows?

25.17 to 25.27 Windy in space? What makes it turn 180 degrees?

27.04  Where is the sun? Do they have multiple light sources? Why objects in the shadows are visible?

39.13  Is the sun at the upper right? Why stuff in the shadows are visible?

39.43  Why objects in the shadows are visible?

11.35 to 11.38  Anything in the shadows should be completely dark. So fake.

13.03  Where is the sun? Why shadows and bright parts of the telescope face the same direction? Why shadows on the telescope reflect light? Who took the picture? How far from earth? How can you see the whole earth in the view?

6.25 So fake.

Total BS. What is spacetime? What is the curvature of spacetime? What is the fabric of spacetime?   What is the precise mechanism of spacetime? How space tells matter how to move? How matters tell space how to curve? Word puzzles become modern science? Why Sean blocked my comment?

Why Sean deleted my comments? What to hide?

Quantum anything is BS. No one knows what exactly is quantum yet. It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. -Feynman All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, “What are light quanta?” Nowadays every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. - Einstein
Levity Was Once a Scientific Term Levity originally was thought to be a physical force exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction, like the helium in a balloon. As recently as the 19th century, scientists were still arguing about its existence. All forces are coming from the electrostatic force coexisting with charged particles. All forces must coexist with atoms/matters. Since matters are formed from atoms and atoms are formed from charged particles.
How to tell if NASA ISS videos are fake?

If there is only one light source, then there would be no light reflected from shadows. That's why the moon is not full moon all the time.

Therefore any ISS parts that are in the shadows can be seen are faked.

16.38  Where is the sun? How can light reflected from the frame of the solar panel that is in the shadow? In space there is no light in the shadows, should be complete dark.

Monday, May 4, 2020

All lies. No radar waves travel in space at light speed. Radar waves must coexist with matter/air/medium. Sun's gravity is constantly decelerating spacecraft, use planets gravity to get away from the solar system is impossible.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

What is light? It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. -Feynman All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, “What are light quanta?” Nowadays every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. - Einstein Light is energy, energy must coexist with matter/medium. Therefore no light in the vacuum space. You can prove it by passing a color laser beam through a vacuum glass container, the beam will disappear in the container. Scientists still don't know the fact that light/energy/radiation is instantaneous in vacuum space. Sunlight does not travel in vacuum space at light speed, sunlight induces lights on all planets simultaneously. Light speed is the speed of alternating electrostatic force propagating in a medium.

Energy/light/radiation transfer between matters instantly through universal repulsion force/so-called levity. There is no EM wave/photon traveling in the vacuum space at light speed. All scientists are mistaken.

Friday, May 1, 2020

The universe has no boundary, no beginning. Self-existed indestructible charged particles form into atoms under the electrostatic attraction and repulsion force they carry. Atoms attract atoms to form into matters under the gravity/net electrostatic attraction and repulsion force of all charged particles in all atoms.

The more matters attracted together, the more mass carries the stronger gravity, the higher the energy density, and the higher temperature it has, its atoms oscillate faster, carry higher-frequency alternating current. 

Line of sight matters repel each other with universal repulsion force/levity, therefore their surface electrons oscillate simultaneously at any distance. Therefore radiation/light speed is infinity in vacuum space.
Rocket fuel technology is mass ejection technology. Based on momentum conservation law m1v1=m2v2. The speed and distance a spaceship can reach are limited. That's why no one has very long-range missiles. Space travel, land on the moon, go to mars are all lies.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

7.49 to 8.20 The shining debris should go straight line in space, why some of them go up and down,  some float around?

9.00 What is moving on the bottom of the round glass window on the lower center of the flame? The sun is at the left, why we can see the right side of the ISS and people that are in the shadows? In space there is only one light source, all shadows should be totally dark.
How Apollo measure its speed in space? Radar? Impossible, information/light is instant in space at any distance. I am sure all space missions are hoaxes, due to their faked communication time delay. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to travel to the earth is a lie. Sunlight induces earth light and planets light simultaneously due to universal repulsion force. Scientists used to call it levity. I discovered and proved it last year. Why all science forums banned my IP, Reddit blocked my question? I asked 500 top physics professors the same question, not 1 reply, why?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Blackhole is impossible to exist according to proven science.

From Wiki

A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it.[6] The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

The first mistake of this theory is spacetime is a meaningless word puzzle, what is spacetime? How to deform spacetime? What is a compact mass? Based on what mechanism GR predicts black hole? 

The second mistake is spacetime is not matter, spacetime has no mass, therefore spacetime cannot exhibiting gravitational acceleration.

The third mistake is light only coexisting with the medium/matter, there is no light traveling in vacuum space there is no light escape from stars. The present theory of light is wrong, light is visible frequency alternating current in matter/medium/air/water/glass/plasma. 

The fourth mistake is if a star has strong gravity that able to attract light, decelerate light, or bend light, then bigger starlight will go slower and light will not follow a straight line. 

Neil is wrong about light come down from the sun. Light is not EM wave and photon particle that come down from the sun. Light is visible alternating current in the medium. Sun light induces earth light and other planets lights simultaneously constantly. Nitrogen in the atmosphere tend to oscillate at blue light frequency therefore sky is blue during clear day time.
That standard model itself is built upon Einstein's theory of gravity. Einstein's all theories are BS. Gravity is coexisting with all matters/masses. Gravity has no thing to do with empty space. space cannot tell matter how to move, only force can move matter/mass. Matter cannot tell space how to curve, space has no matter that can be curved/touched. Simple facts, why scientists fall for such BS theory? Why you accept such BS theory? Shame on your teachers.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Light does not cross vacuum space, light must coexist with matter/medium. Light on the stars induce light on planets simultaneously across the whole universe.

Think this way, if there are only two electrons in space, no matter how far apart, there is repulsion force F=ee/R^2 existing therefore the electrons entangled with electrostatic force forever, must act as one simultaneously.