Friday, August 30, 2019

Joe Chang
話題高手 · 8月28日上午12:45 · tag新增主題
The Van Allen Belts is another science lie. Sun’s radiation only
exists within our atmosphere. There is no radiation in vacuum space.

Richard Colorado
Richard Colorado I need a new Vacuum for my Space.

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Radiation/light/EMF only coexist with atoms/mediums/matters.
There is no light traveling in space at light speed. This is another
science lie. Cosmology, relativity and QM all based on the same lie.

 · 2天
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne Dollard has said something similar, but how do you proceed with this?

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Luke Byrne Radiation And Antenna Mechanism
Radio waves are invisible alternating current in the atmosphere.
Light waves are visible alternating current in the atmosphere.
The antenna is a terminal of electric circuit, there is no current
passing through an antenna, only the voltage oscillates with the input
current. This oscillating voltage in the transmitter antenna induces
an alternating current in the air, propagating away from the surface
of the antenna at a 90-degree angle, passing through the air to reach
receiver antenna and to induce oscillating voltage in it.
In the process, the antenna is like a balloon, the current is like
air, and the voltage is like air pressure.
When air is pumping in and out of the balloon, the pressure in the
balloon will keep changing and producing longitudinal sound waves in
the air.
Similarly, when electrons are pumping in and out of the antenna, the
voltage in the antenna will keep changing and producing longitudinal
electrostatic waves in the air. This is, in fact, alternating current
in the air.
In the vacuum space, Coulomb's force is the conductor of electric
energy. The line of sight
electrons on the surfaces of the antennas are constantly repelling
each other with Coulomb's force. F=Ke x Q1Q2/R^2.
This repulsion force acts as a rigid rod without mass and body, and
instantly transfers electric energy freely back and forth between the
two antennas.
Hold a magnet in each hand, with the same poles facing each other. Do
you feel the strong repulsion force? Yes.
Wave one hand in and out. Feel the kinetic energy instantly
transferred to the other hand? Yes.
Are the two hands waving at the same frequency? Yes.
Is there any magnetic wave traveling between the two hands? No.
The repulsion magnetic force is the conductor of kinetic energy
between the two hands, enabling kinetic energy to freely transfer
instantly. We can call this phenomenon magnetic radiation.
If we hold electrons in our hands instead of magnets, it is
electrostatic radiation, a misinterpretation of electromagnetic
radiation by scientists.
The alternating current direction is always perpendicular to the
surface of the antenna, and it
propagates in the air as a longitudinal wave.
Magnetic force is a misinterpretation of circular electric force.
Magnetic field is a misinterpretation of circular electric field.
Electromagnetic induction is a misinterpretation of electrostatic induction.
Electromagnetic wave is a misinterpretation of electrostatic wave.
Electromagnetic radiation is a misinterpretation of electrostatic radiation.

 · 2天
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne At work so can't dig in so much right now, but off the bat -
"Radio waves are invisible alternating current in the atmosphere.……查看更多

 · 2天
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne How is this distinction made of them being two different
things? What about the frequency? what happens to radiowave's as they
hit the frequency of light and vice versa?

 · 2天
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne Wait nvm I'm an idiot.

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Luke Byrne No idiots knows that that quake.

 · 2天
Luke Byrne
Luke Byrne Good stuff, I'll have to ponder over it.

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang You will enjoy it a lot!

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang better than the best weed i have smoked.

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang If the light frequency is high enough, over come electrons
binding energy in solar cells, it will cause so called photoelectric

 · 2天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang well said! This is one Truth no one wants to
face. It destroys all models that have been taught to keep humanity
away from the Truth. Just curious, what are your thoughts on recurring
Micronova of our Star?

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Tim Chabot All science lies/fake news. They still think
Sun/star is fusion reactor.

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang well my impression is the reason for THE BIG LIE
is precisely for that reason.

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang Are you familiar with Anthony Peratts work? Or
Douglas Vogt. They are trying to wake the world to exactly what you
are saying. Exactly. I implore you to research there theory. You may
be able to contribute, or they may to you.

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Thanks. Do you have links I can follow? Please show them my
work if you can.
Science Revolution
Science Revolution
Science Revolution

 · 移除預覽 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang how can such a fusion reactor in the way main
stream propagate it be so perfectly round lol. I know this. Just part
of the lie.

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang They don't know what is energy yet. E=MC^2 is BS. Where is
all the fusion energy all the stars produced in the past? Vanished
into space? It is important to realize that in physics today, we have
no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy
comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way.

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot They, like you, are trying to change the model. But, you
have to ask why, why was everything wrong going back to the early days
as we know it. The reason my friend was to keep us away from the
truth. What truth?...please research those names. If you find it
worthwhile sir, show them your own work.

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang yes it was well said also... you seem
knowledgeable in a time where knowledge, true knowledge is hidden and
locked away from the masses. If you came about this knowledge on your
own, well that is amazing. Real knowledge is knowing how little you
know. I implore you to look them up. You may be able to help. There is
not much time left...

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Why was a mission to the moon named after a sun god? Why
were they looking for fision tracks and vitrification of the rock? Why
is there vitrification all over the earth? Why are Squatting man
petroglyphs all over the earth near caves? Why is there a ……查看更多

 · 1天 · 已編輯
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Tim Chabot

 · 移除預覽 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang I know Joe...I already know.

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang we will change the world one mind at a time.😊

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Tim Chabot If you think moon landing is real, never mind. I
won't take your words seriously.

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang of course the moon landing was real

 · 1天
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang I just said they were looking for fision tracks
and vitrification. They didnt show what they really did in case
something happened on live tv with the world watching....duh joe don't
be so quick to judge what do I gain by helping you. If u do……查看更多

 · 1天 · 已編輯
Tim Chabot
Tim Chabot Joe Chang by the way if you want your mind absolutely blown
about the moon landing watch Kubrick's odyssey! That's all the
KNOWLEDGE I'm going to just GIVE you for now. Add me as a friend if
you want. Keep in touch. We share the same goal. You're one of a few
one this earth who can see truth, that's valuable in my book. But
please get caught up ok.

 · 1天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward Except space isn't a vaccum

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang BS. 99.9% space around us is vacuum, only 0.1% space around
us is air molecule.

 · 2天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward Joe Chang it's not a "vaccum" dude. Period.

 · 2天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward Joe Chang it's not how it works. That's some lamestream
bullshit you're spewing there partner.

 · 2天
Donald Langdon Jr.
Donald Langdon Jr. Space is not a VACUUM, it's a PLENUM

 · 2天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward Donald Langdon Jr. Idk who this chang feller is, but hes
pissin me off with this random/drunken bibble babble bullshit. God
dang o man, Talkin bout some non sense.

 · 2天
Donald Langdon Jr.
Donald Langdon Jr. Maybe there's a language barrier?

 · 2天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward Donald Langdon Jr. I fuckin hope so. I'm pretty sure hes
just a troll who infiltrated our group.

 · 2天
Donald Langdon Jr.
Donald Langdon Jr. Shawn Edward I'm by no means an expert on this
subject, but Nikola Tesla's research helped launch my interest in the
Electric Universe 👍

 · 2天 · 已編輯
Lucas Kenyon
Lucas Kenyon Vacuum?⚡👀⚡

 · 1天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bruh. You on them fuckin dick hairs again I see.

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Maybe that's all you can see?

 · 2天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward Joe Chang Good one there mr chan.

 · 2天
Shawn Edward
Shawn Edward I mean chang.

 · 2天
Łukasz Buczyński
Łukasz Buczyński Statement that detected thing exists only within
detector cannot be, of course, disproven, but also doesnt help with
anything. Scientific prograss has been made by assuming detector
detects something tied to surrounding environment.
Your next implication should be we all exist inside your computer ;-)

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Computer simulation can only create digital signals, the
reality is based on matter and energy.

 · 2天
Łukasz Buczyński
Łukasz Buczyński Joe Chang You completely missed my point. Could you
read with more caution?

 · 1天
Igor Stojanovic
Igor Stojanovic

 · 2天
Cielo Estrera
Cielo Estrera Are you serious?
Do you have any proof for this statement, which btw. i realy doubt.

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang An Open Letter To Nobel Prize and Breakthrough Prize
What is the speed of gravity?……查看更多

 · 2天
Aaron Odom
Aaron Odom Gravity does have speed. If the sun disappeared we would
still be stuck in its gravity for 8 more minutes. That's how long it
takes for light to travel to us from the sun

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang Read and repeat? What's gravity speed? why? If gravity is
not instantaneous force, it gravity speed is not infinite, how can
planets have stable orbit?

 · 2天
檢視另 1 則回覆
Kurt Gminder
Kurt Gminder Many structures makes together all Belts....
Moarée Muster formen die Van Allen Gürtel
Moarée Muster formen die Van Allen Gürtel
Moarée Muster formen die Van Allen Gürtel

 · 2天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang All lies. Moon landing is faked, the rest space missions
cannot be true. How can 23 watts transmitter sent pictures from
billions miles away? How can the picture gets clear as Voyager gets
farther away? Use your head not cock to think.

 · 2天 · 已編輯
Peter Scott-Morgan
Peter Scott-Morgan Joe Chang [fake moon landing] and this is where the
conversation died

 · 1天
Matthew Scheffelman
Matthew Scheffelman watch Apollo 15 and 16 none of that footage could
be faked, none.

 · 1天
Kit Katner
Kit Katner Joe Chang that reply is very good Joe.

 · 1天
Peter Stallinga
Peter Stallinga I tend to agree. Photons are only there where you
place detectors!

 · 1天
Glenn Swart
Glenn Swart Peter Stallinga And how do photons have no mass yet light
has energy? Is energy possible without mass or matter? I'm confused
then about E=MC2?

 · 1天
Glenn Swart
Glenn Swart There must be a medium for light waves? I mean other than
ionised plasma for current. A medium for light and perhaps gravity?

 · 1天
John Wright
John Wright Have you ever heard of vacuum tubes/electronic valves, you
know, the glass bulb like things you used to find in radios and
televisions, and that can still be found in some musical instrument
amplifiers? Or how about the big Cathode Ray Tubes, or Crts, ……查看更多

 · 1天
Clinton Bartok
Clinton Bartok

 · 1天
Michael Hayes
Michael Hayes Nuts.

 · 1天
Brendan Joseph Petroff
Brendan Joseph Petroff Uh, no.

 · 1天
Walter Huf
Walter Huf Why do you spout your drivel here?

 · 1天 · 已編輯
Frank Vlot
Frank Vlot Light travels through space, so... any waveform shall.
Radiation is just another wavelenght.

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang How can light travels through space? What is light?

 · 1天
David Michalets
David Michalets Space probes confirmed this invisible entity.
Explorer 1 and Explorer 3 confirmed the existence of the[van allen]
belt in early 1958 under James Van Allen at the University of Iowa.
The trapped radiation was first mapped by Explorer 4, Pioneer 3 and
Luna 1. '

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang BS. Space missions are all lies. How can space ships measure
their speed in space?

 · 1天
Thomas Jelf Jr
Thomas Jelf Jr ok joe. re-check your facts

 · 1天
Joey Dehler
Joey Dehler Hey stupid, there is no vacuum in space!

 · 1天
Joe Chang
Joe Chang BS. 99.9% space around us is vacuum, only 0.1% space around
us is air molecule.

 · 1天
Neil Thompson
Neil Thompson Dude are you ok?

 · 1天
More common science lies - Van Allen Belts and solar wind

Sun's radiation can only coexist with matter/medium/air/water/glass. There is no radiation in the vacuum space.

There is no Van Allen Belts. Because there is no radiation out side of earth atmosphere. There is Sun's radiation on the surface of the moon, but there is no radiation in the space between Sun and moon. Radiation/light/EMF/Radiant energy must coexist with matter/medium.

There is no solar wind. What is the mechanism? How solar wind is produced? How solar wind can escape from Sun's gravity? Why electrons and protons in the solar wind don't form into hydrogen atoms? What is solar wind temperature? Where are all the solar wind go? Isn't matter conserved?

Scientists lied about gravity speed, light speed, black hole, dark matter, big bang, gravity lensing, space expending, background radiation. Detected gravity wave, took picture of black hole. moon landing, space missions, solar sail, EM Drive.

I wonder what's next lie.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Light is alternating current in the air, when the frequency is high enough, the current in the air reaches solar cell can over come electron's binding energy, therefore release electrons to become DC current. This is the true mechanism of so called photoelectric effect. Live and learn, never too late.
Another common science mistake
If you and I looked up at the same moment to the sky as some one else looked up at the sky at the exact same moment !!! 14 billion light years away !!!! it is the same time !!!! the same moment !!!
All scientists are blind or stupid to think the other way. Scientists say the stars we see are mostly from billions of years ago. This is total lie and mistaken. All stars we see is existing with us right now, all of them, even those too far away that we cannot see. Because the whole universe and existence only exist at this moment forever ongoing now. This simple fact/truth should be wake up call for all people.