Black Hole
Bend over and look between those dumb legs, see the hole? Black or white?
A World Of Fools
All religions are BS. What is God? Which God is real? Why?
All modern science theories are BS. See Common Scientific Lies
1. Atoms are formed from electrons waving or orbiting or clouding around a tiny nucleus and contain 99.999999% empty space.
This is a simple lie. Such atoms cannot make up solid or in-compressible matters, such as diamond and water.
2. The sun is a fusion reactor, constantly radiate light and heat energy into space around it.
This is a lie. Energy must co-existing with matter. Space contains no energy, no light, no heat, no force, no field, no wave, no photon. There is no fusion reaction at all. The sun is just a hot mass. The more atoms attract together the higher temperature the mass has. Bigger stars are hotter. The sun only radiate energy to matters around it, such as earth and moon. Energy cannot radiate into empty space, otherwise, a vacuum metal container can replace all cooling systems.
3. The universe is formed some billion years ago and will end in some billion years.
Stupid lie. According to proven physics laws, matter and energy are conserved, cannot be created or destroyed, the universe must be self-existing and immortal existing. The big bang theory is a big fart from retard physicists.
4. Solar wind constantly blow out from the sun, those charged electrons and protons hit earth atmosphere to produce polar lights.
Lies. No mass, no particle can escape the sun's gravity. If solar wind is real, where are all the electrons and protons in the wind go from the past? Vanished into space is impossible, fall on planets is impossible, otherwise, earth atmosphere hydrogen ppm will keep increasing. If solar wind is real, then its direction is sun-earth, impossible to produce swirling polar lights. Polar lights are produced from westward circling sunlight energy in the atmosphere.
5. In electromagnetism, current flows back and forth in an antenna can produce electromagnetic waves.
Obvious lie. Current only flows back and forth in a closed circuit not a terminal, such as antenna. Power lines have high current flow but where is the EM wave? EM wave does not exist, a misinterpretation of electrostatic wave in the medium/air.
6. Black hole and gravity wave are real, scientists won Nobel Prize.
Evil lies. Black hole does not exist. The only black hole is between lying physicists dumb legs. Gravity wave is existing within the mass, such as earthquake wave. There is nothing existing in vacuum space, no light, no photon, no EM wave, no force, no field, no spacetime ripples, no curvature, no radiation, no solar wind, no Van Allen Belts, no black hole, no neutron star, no big bang, no space expending. All lies.
7. Tide is caused by sun's and moon's gravity.
Obvious lie. Scientists say gravity is not a force but the curvature of spacetime. What exactly is spacetime? What exactly is the curvature of spacetime? How does it cause tide?
Tide is absolutely not causing by gravity. Gravity is perpendicular to sea level, impossible to move water horizontally. Simple fact. All sea waters on earth are accelerating to the center at 9.8 m/ss, not accelerating to the sun or moon.
To be exactly, westward circling sunlight energy in the ocean and atmosphere causing tide, atmospheric wind, and earth magnetic force/so called magnetic field
A lot more, I am so tired to list them.
Religion and science are the evilest thing on earth. People use them to scam $ and fame. Scientist all do. Fusion, space mission, space telescope, black hole, gravity wave are all lies.
Particle accelerator their evil asses. There is no particle. If electron is particle waving clouding around a particle called nucleus, how can current in a circuit be instantaneous? If current in a circuit is not instantaneous, how can alternating current work?
Common Scientific Lies
1. Atoms are formed from electrons waving or orbiting or clouding around a tiny nucleus and contain 99.999999% empty space.
This is a simple lie. Such atoms cannot make up solid or in-compressible matters, such as diamond and water.
2. The sun is a fusion reactor, constantly radiate light and heat energy into space around it.
This is a lie. Energy must co-existing with matter. Space contains no energy, no light, no heat, no force, no field, no wave, no photon. There is no fusion reaction at all. The sun is just a hot mass. The more atoms attract together the higher temperature the mass has. Bigger stars are hotter. The sun only radiate energy to matters around it, such as earth and moon. Energy cannot radiate into empty space, otherwise, a vacuum metal container can replace all cooling systems.
3. The universe is formed some billion years ago and will end in some billion years.
Stupid lie. According to proven physics laws, matter and energy are conserved, cannot be created or destroyed, the universe must be self-existing and immortal existing. The big bang theory is a big fart from retard physicists.
4. Solar wind constantly blow out from the sun, those charged electrons and protons hit earth atmosphere to produce polar lights.
Lies. No mass, no particle can escape the sun's gravity. If solar wind is real, where are all the electrons and protons in the wind go from the past? Vanished into space is impossible, fall on planets is impossible, otherwise, earth atmosphere hydrogen ppm will keep increasing. If solar wind is real, then its direction is sun-earth, impossible to produce swirling polar lights. Polar lights are produced from westward circling sunlight energy in the atmosphere.
5. In electromagnetism, current flows back and forth in an antenna can produce electromagnetic waves.
Obvious lie. Current only flows back and forth in a closed circuit not a terminal, such as antenna. Power lines have high current flow but where is the EM wave? EM wave does not exist, a misinterpretation of electrostatic wave in the medium/air.
The Scientific Lie Of The Ocean Tide
All lying scientists think the tide is caused by the moon's and sun's gravity. All textbooks say so.
But the fact is not. Tide is impossible to be caused by the moon's and sun's gravity.
Why no scientists can measure moon's gravity on earth? Because it does not exist.
Tide is absolutely not causing by gravity. Gravity is perpendicular to sea level, impossible to move water horizontally. Simple fact, can you see it? Why not?
If you put a water ball in the middle of a rope between the earth and the moon, who will win the tug of war?
All sea waters on earth are accelerating to the center at 9.8 m/ss, not accelerating to the sun or moon.
Saying tide is caused by the moon's gravity is absurd, fully demonstrated how stupid are theoretical physicists. They can't even think rationally. Incapable to handle simple fact and logic, but created and co controlled mainstream physics.
Electromagnetism, QM, Relativity, Big bang theory, standard model, black hole, dark matter, solar wind, are all scientific lies.
Don't believe me? Let's look the basics, their model of atoms.
If atoms are made from particles orbiting/clouding/waving/probabiliting around each other, how can a diamond be so hard?
How can 99,9999% empty space made atoms form into solid matters and in-compressible liquids?
Are you as stupid as scientists? I hope not.
To be exactly, westward circling sunlight energy in the ocean and atmosphere causing tide, atmospheric wind, and earth magnetic force/so called magnetic field.
How Is a fake Satellite Launched Into an Orbit?
All satellites today get into orbit by riding on a rocket. Many used to hitch a ride in the cargo bay of the space shuttle. Several countries and businesses have rocket launch capabilities, and satellites as large as several tons make it into orbit regularly and safely. Wiki
This is all lies.
Where are all the rocket and cargo carrying those fake satellites? Are they stay in the same orbits?
How to precisely measure speed in orbit? What rocket can carry enough fuel to escape earth gravity? The more fuel carried needs the more fuel to lift it.
If space missions are real, they will live streaming the whole trip, not just show you few cgi images. How cool is looking at the solar system in space?
If they can fake ISS live streaming why not Mars missions? Use the same technology.
Theoretical Physics
Quantum Anything Is BS
Modern BS
There is no solar wind. what mechanism? why protons and electrons on the way to earth do not attract each other and form into hydrogen atoms? why does gravity not pull them back into the sun?
Van Allen Belts? what's mechanism? the sun's energy/radiation/light strength decay at 1/rr, the only way to find stronger radiation is to get closer.
Near around earth, radiation strength is the same, within the atmosphere, it decreases.
So between earth and the moon, the radiation strength is about the same, less within our atmosphere.
EM drive? powered by quantum vacuum virtual plasma. it is voodoo science. quantum anything is bs.
LIGO detected gravity wave from 1.3 billion years ago? you wave hand will produce more detectable gravity wave than far away stars explode. why can't LIGO detect CME or earthquake?
Gravity wave speed is infinite, gravity has to be instantaneous, otherwise, no planets can stay in orbit.
Voyager is fake, gravity is decelerating it at all the times, how can it escape from the solar system?
ISS is fake, AC systems cannot work in vacuum space, heat cannot radiate into space but matter.
If heat can radiate into space, the earth will be as hot as the sun, the whole universe will be at the same temperature, thermal equilibrium.
Einstein was wrong about time dilation.
Put same atomic clocks in the sun, earth, mars, flying air plan, for 1 day.
Each clock will have a different reading.
Which time is dilated? which clock has correct time?
Time dilation is a misinterpretation of timer's moving rate/reading affected by gravity/acceleration/force upon it.
Time is not a thing, the time has no location, cannot be touched, what is dilating what? how?
All things happening is at now, all existence is at now, time is forever ongoing now, all past became now, all future will become now.
What is space? void, emptiness, nothingness, therefore, no property, no boundary, anything can fit in it.
How can gravity curve space? what is curving? gravity is attraction force between matters/masses. there is no matter in space that can be curved.
How can gravity slow down light, so light cannot escape from big mass/star so it becomes a black hole? if gravity can slow down light, why sunlight and flashlight have the same speed?
They took a picture of stars behind of the sun at that solar eclipse, to proved gravity bends light path?
It is another misinterpretation, hot plasma on the sun deflected star lights. our atmosphere deflects star lights the same principle.
The most famous equation e=mcc is a math trick, not fact.
Mass is condensed charged particles. energy is emf matter carried. totally different, cannot equivalent.
A 1 kg gold bar at rest has no energy but thermal energy, for it to carry 1kgcc energy, it must move at 1.414 c speed. how fast can we move a bullet?
Nuclear energy? 1 kg best fuel, how many % of it can produce heat?
The most famous experiment double slit is a misinterpretation, all waves are within a medium/matter waves, there is no light/wave in space.
Light is not wave nor particle, but electron's vibration force. try double slit experiment in a vacuum chamber, wave property will disappear.
The fabric of space-time? Ripples of gravity wave? Distortion?
What is the compound of the fabric or ripples? What is distorting what? What is the mechanism?
Why did all scientists fall for such nonsense and made it mainstream?
Matter Entanglement Law
We already know all the stars, planets, and masses are entangled by the universal gravitational force.
We already know all the matters are formed from charged particles/charged atom building blocks/atoms.
We already know all the charges attract or repel each other with Coulomb's force F=Ke x q1q2/R^2.
We already know all the negatively charged electrons are on the surface of atoms and all matters.
We should know now that the existence of the universal repulsion force between all matters' surfaces.
The electrons on the surface of your screen repel the electrons on the surface of your eyes with force F=ke x e1e2/^R2.
This force transfers energy/information/light instantaneously throughout the whole space.
Sunlight does not travel in space to reach us, sunlight induces earthlight simultaneously through this universal repulsion force.
Everything we see, we share the oscillation force of their surface atoms/electrons. The air between just a medium for slowing down the process to light speed.
The surface atoms oscillation frequency makes up the color of the thing we see.
Radio communication in space is instantaneous. Otherwise, is a lie. NASA never went to the moon. All space missions that claimed communication time delay is a lie.