Sunday, October 9, 2022

Common scientific lies

Tide is caused by moon’s gravity is a lie

Tide is an illusion. 

Sea level is never changing due to the amount of sea water is never changing. 

Coastal seabeds move up and down or in and out relative to stable sea level due to thermal expansion of the earth crust causing the illusion of tides come in and out.

Tide is not happening in any oceans but coastal area.

Sea level is never changing to cause tides around the earth that ranged from few feet to 50 feet high and one to four times per day per location. 

Watch closely. Sea level is stable but coastal seabed is sinking into sea slowly causing the illusion of sea level is rising and tide is coming in. 

Sunlight is constantly circling earth westward heating up earth crust. Thermal expansion of the landmass causes coastal seabed bending causing the illusion of sea level changing. 

Due to the shape of all the ocean basins—their bathymetry, and coastline shape, tides happen one to four times per day and 3 to 50 feet high per location.

Check out Wiki has how much lies about tide - the simplest and most common phenomena on earth.

Imaginary water bulges move westward at  1000 miles per hour at equator. Tides move at different direction and few miles per hour.

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