What is the meaning of temperature?
Temperature is a property of the matter, it is proportional to the AC voltage of the matter. All matters are formed from atoms, all atoms are constantly oscillating and carrying alternating electrostatic force. The current flow direction is the heat flow direction. Thus the second law of thermodynamics.
What is the meaning of energy?
Energy is the motive force coexisting with the matters. All motive forces are an electrostatic force in nature. Contact force, friction, gravity, magnetic force, universal repulsion force, are all electrostatic forces at work.
Moving matter carries kinetic energy E=1/2MV^2.
Rest matter carries thermal energy and chemical energy.
Thermal energy is proportional to the mass and temperature of the matter.
All energy is coming from the atom's formation energy. All atoms are formed from charged basic building blocks/so-called particles. Those charged blocks attract and repel each other constantly in the atoms, carrying oscillating electrostatic force/alternating current.
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