Monday, May 11, 2020

We use matters to create things we need or want, we use minds to create language, music, art, religion, math, science and everything we like.
We thought everything existing is created by God, or by a big bang. We forgot maybe the whole existence is self-existed.
We know now that matter and energy are conserved. The building blocks of the maters/atoms are charged particles. Charged particles are indestructible, their inherited electrostatic force is immortal, even an electron is constantly accelerating or decelerating to other charged particles and never can be stopped, therefore every atom is a perpetual machine. Should we accept the fact that anything indestructible must not be constructible or creatable?
How these tiny machines evolve into living cells and life forms? How could we so much advanced than other living creatures?
If God is self-existed, how God uses dirt to created us?

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