The sun has hot gas/plasma on the surface, carrying vibrating charged particles/oscillating electrostatic force. Those lines of sight particles on the surface of the sun and earth atmosphere are connected by Coulomb's force, therefore share the vibration force simultaneously. This is the true mechanism of light/EM wave/radiation/radiant energy/photon/quanta. The Coulomb's force is the mystery aether they been looking for.
The air molecules around us are all naturally charged, but gravity is still attracting them closer. The space around us is 99.9% vacuum. If 1 molecular is exited/vibrating, the electrostatic force within it will be oscillating and instantly transfer to the lines of sight molecules as AC. The same way energy is living in our meat bodies.
EM wave is a mistake, the electrostatic wave is a fact. Electrostatic force/electricity is the life of the living universe.
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