Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Scientists say the stars we see are mostly from billions of
years ago. This is total lie or mistaken. All stars we see is existing
with us right now, all of them, even those too far away that we cannot
see. Because the whole existence only exist at this moment forever
ongoing now. This simple fact/truth should wake up call for all

More common science lies - Van Allen Belts and solar wind
Sun's radiation can only coexist with matter/medium/air/water/glass.
There is no radiation in the vacuum space.
There is no Van Allen Belts. Because there is no radiation out side of
earth atmosphere. There is Sun's radiation on the surface of the moon,
but there is no radiation in the space between Sun and moon.
Radiation/light/EMF/Radiant energy must coexist with matter/medium.
There is no solar wind. What is the mechanism? How solar wind is
produced? How solar wind can escape from Sun's gravity? Why electrons
and protons in the solar wind don't form into hydrogen atoms? What is
solar wind temperature? Where are all the solar wind go? Isn't matter
Scientists lied about gravity speed, light speed, black hole, dark
matter, big bang, gravity lensing, space expending, background
radiation. Detected gravity wave, took picture of black hole. moon
landing, space missions, solar sail, EM Drive.
I wonder what's next lie.

Any rational thinker knows gravity is coexisting with
matters and must be instantaneous force, otherwise no planets can have
stable orbit. How can LIGO teams don't know that fact?

A simple way to understand the universe, remember this.
For any matters M1 and M2 at distance R, there are two fundamental
forces constantly at work.
1.Universal attraction force/gravity F=G x M1M2/R^2.
2. Universal repulsion force/levity F=Ke x Q1Q2/R^2. Q1 is the total
> charge of line of sight electrons on the surface of M1, Q2 is the
> total charge of line of sight electrons on the surface of M2.
> These two forces rule the universe. Respond for star formation, stable
> orbit, light, radiation, induction, quantum entanglement, all nature
> phenomena.

Sunlight is high frequency alternating current in the air.
When the current reaches solar cells, produces DC current. There is no
photon hitting electron out to produce DC current.

Move a magnet over a copper wire, produces electric current
is fact. The mechanism is magnet carries circular electric force, when
magnet and wire have relative motion, the circular electric force in
the magnet induces electric force/current in the wire. So called
magnetic force is in fact circular electric force carried by magnet
moment in the magnet.

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