Thursday, April 30, 2020

7.49 to 8.20 The shining debris should go straight line in space, why some of them go up and down,  some float around?

9.00 What is moving on the bottom of the round glass window on the lower center of the flame? The sun is at the left, why we can see the right side of the ISS and people that are in the shadows? In space there is only one light source, all shadows should be totally dark.
How Apollo measure its speed in space? Radar? Impossible, information/light is instant in space at any distance. I am sure all space missions are hoaxes, due to their faked communication time delay. Sunlight takes 8 minutes to travel to the earth is a lie. Sunlight induces earth light and planets light simultaneously due to universal repulsion force. Scientists used to call it levity. I discovered and proved it last year. Why all science forums banned my IP, Reddit blocked my question? I asked 500 top physics professors the same question, not 1 reply, why?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Blackhole is impossible to exist according to proven science.

From Wiki

A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it.[6] The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

The first mistake of this theory is spacetime is a meaningless word puzzle, what is spacetime? How to deform spacetime? What is a compact mass? Based on what mechanism GR predicts black hole? 

The second mistake is spacetime is not matter, spacetime has no mass, therefore spacetime cannot exhibiting gravitational acceleration.

The third mistake is light only coexisting with the medium/matter, there is no light traveling in vacuum space there is no light escape from stars. The present theory of light is wrong, light is visible frequency alternating current in matter/medium/air/water/glass/plasma. 

The fourth mistake is if a star has strong gravity that able to attract light, decelerate light, or bend light, then bigger starlight will go slower and light will not follow a straight line. 

Neil is wrong about light come down from the sun. Light is not EM wave and photon particle that come down from the sun. Light is visible alternating current in the medium. Sun light induces earth light and other planets lights simultaneously constantly. Nitrogen in the atmosphere tend to oscillate at blue light frequency therefore sky is blue during clear day time.
That standard model itself is built upon Einstein's theory of gravity. Einstein's all theories are BS. Gravity is coexisting with all matters/masses. Gravity has no thing to do with empty space. space cannot tell matter how to move, only force can move matter/mass. Matter cannot tell space how to curve, space has no matter that can be curved/touched. Simple facts, why scientists fall for such BS theory? Why you accept such BS theory? Shame on your teachers.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Light does not cross vacuum space, light must coexist with matter/medium. Light on the stars induce light on planets simultaneously across the whole universe.

Think this way, if there are only two electrons in space, no matter how far apart, there is repulsion force F=ee/R^2 existing therefore the electrons entangled with electrostatic force forever, must act as one simultaneously.
Few questions to ask you.

Why people in ISS interview videos constantly float up and down? What forces are moving their bodies?

Why in Apollo videos some shadows have different directions? Why some times shadows are very long and some times shadows are very short?

Why they have images of stars billions light years away but no images of the moon buggy on the moon?

Why when Trump talking to ISS, the conversation some times have time delay but some times is instant?

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Solar cells produce electricity from sunlight, but the mechanism is not a photoelectric effect. There is no such thing as photon/quanta/quantum. Sunlight is an induced AC current in the sun-facing atmosphere. This AC current can energize free electrons to move over the contact area of two different materials/semiconductors, therefore produce current. The sun is just a big hot mass, not a fusion reactor. Science lied.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Antimatter, dark matter, quantum computer, black hole are all BS. Even photon is BS. Why the masses are so stupid? Read anything and believe. There is no black holes and gravity waves, now they took a picture of black hole and get Nobel Prize, fake detected gravity wave and get Noble Prize. It is all BS. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

CERN discovered god particle won Nobel Prize. It s BS. Photoelectric effect theory won Nobel Prize, it is BS. If photons have momentum to knock out electrons from solar cells, why photons. cannot move Crook's radiometer in hard vacuum? Why laser gun that can melt metal can not move a flame or smoke? Why photons don't slowdown and stop in water like bullets?

Solar wind is imaginary, another NASA lie and science lie. THINK ABOUT, if solar wind is real, sun's gravity will attract it back to the sun. If solar wind is real, it will be sun earth direction only, polar lights are swirling, not straight line.

Why black holes are BS? If gravity can attract light, slow down light or bend light, then bigger star light will go slower and light will not follow a straight line. Simple facts, can you see it?

What is space-time? What is the fabric of space-time? Empty word puzzles becomes modern science, the masses are as dumb as those BS scientists.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

I finally had a chance talk to Dr. Tyson. Let's see what happens?

Joe Chang
Add a public comment...
1 week ago
Excited: "if you wanna be more creative, be less productive". I found
evidence to support my idea.



Hide 8 replies
 Neil DeGrass Tyson
Neil DeGrass Tyson
3 days ago
Don't take it too seriously


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
14 hours ago 
Tyson said space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how
to curve. Ask him what is precise mechanism, what language they
speaking? He will pee on himself. Will You?


Neil DeGrass Tyson
Highlighted reply
Neil DeGrass Tyson
3 hours ago
@Joe Chang ok I will reflect upon your question and try to answer it ,
and no sir , I won't pee on myself no matter what !


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
1 hour ago
@Neil DeGrass Tyson Thank you Sir. How space tells matter how to move?
What is the precise mechanism? What is the fabric of space-time? What
is time travel? What is the speed of gravity? What is energy?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
1 hour ago
@Neil DeGrass Tyson How do you think about the following? The biggest
mistake in science is the standard model of atomic structure theory.
The theory says 1 electron and 1 proton can form a hydrogen atom. This
is impossible.
There is only an attraction force F=Ke x re/R^2 existing between those
two opposite charged particles, the only motion possible is an
acceleration toward each other on a straight line and collide. Assume
basic particles are indestructible solid balls, according to momentum
conservation law, the two particles will bounce back and forth
forever. The electron is impossible to orbit or wave or cloud the
proton to form a stable atom, there is no such mechanism. If gravity
is as strong as electrostatic force, the whole universe will become a
big star.
The theory says atoms are 99.99% empty space. This is impossible
because the matter is not 99% compressible.
Why those simple facts are not in textbooks? Because science is still
controlled religion.
Before we truly understood the atomic structure, we can not understand
the universe, all theories are just theories.
The second mistake is the light speed in vacuum space is 3x10^8 m/s.
Relativity, QM, cosmology are all based on light speed in vacuum space is C.
In fact, light only exists in matter/air/water/medium, there is no
light, no photon or EM wave traveling in space at light speed. Light
only exists in hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth.
Energy must coexist with the matter. Light induces light
instantaneously throughout space due to the universal repulsion
force/levity between the line of sight electrons on the surfaces of
all matters F=Ke x ee/R^2. Light propagating in the medium at light
speed. Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in
the medium.
We can measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle using MIT 10
trillion frames per second camera to prove light speed in a vacuum is
But no scientists will do it. The fact that light speed in a vacuum is
infinite to scientists is equal to their God is fake. The whole modern
physics is based on light speed in a vacuum is 3x10^8 m/s.
All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer
to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every
Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert
Einstein 1954
There is no photon particle existing. Light only coexisting with
matters, there is no light, no photon, no EM wave traveling in space
at light speed. All scientists are wrong.
Read more


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
31 minutes ago
@Neil DeGrass Tyson If photon has momentum, how can light pass through
glass or water without slowing down and stop like a bullet or rock? If
photon has no momentum, how can light transfer momentum to solar cell
to produce current? Why Einstein said he knows not what are light
quanta? Why Feynman said we don't know what is energy precisely?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
25 minutes ago (edited)
@Neil DeGrass Tyson An antenna is a terminal of a circuit, impossible
to have current flow back and forth in a terminal/antenna to produce
so-called EM wave. So what is the precise mechanism of so-called EM
wave? In vacuum space there is no matter/charged particle to carry
force field, how can EM wave travel in space at light speed? What is
waving? What mechanism?  Appreciate your answers, people will respect
and appreciate your knowledge more than ever.
Read more


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
20 minutes ago
@Neil DeGrass Tyson According to my experiences, all science forums
deleted my comment/question and banned me to post. Including many
youtube science channels and fb science groups. Will you do the same?
Please don't, be the only one that is truth seeker.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
16 minutes ago
@Neil DeGrass Tyson Why all science forums banned my IP, Reddit
blocked my question?
I asked 500 top physics professors the same question, not 1 reply, why?

Monday, April 20, 2020

How stupid? The diameter of the earth is 8000 miles. The fake ISS is 200 miles above earth. how can you see earth curvature like that?

So fake. The ISS is moving at 18000 miles per hour around earth, why earth looks still in the video?

Go youtube to ask questions. That channel deleted my comment and banned me to comment like other science channels and forums. Why they all block truth and promote fake science and lies?

Sunday, April 19, 2020

An electron is indestructible and is always at motion, acceleration to positive charges and deceleration to negative charges. Based on Coulomb's law and energy and momentum conservation laws, an atom is a perpetual machine.

Electrostatic force/Coulomb's force/electromotive force/energy/quanta is the cause of all motions, actions and reactions, including life.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

  • Time dilation is a misinterpretation of the timer’s reading changed at a different speed, gravity, or temperature. Put the same clocks in the Sun, Mars, Earth, and flying on a plane, and in a freezer for 24 hours, and every clock will have a different reading, but all spent the same 24 hours simultaneously.

    Einstein is an idiot. He says space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve. Ask him what is the precise mechanism? What kind of language are they speaking? He will pee on himself.
    Will you?
Time is a concept and measurement of the passage of the motion and the duration of the event. All matters are constantly moving and vibrating due to the electromotive force/energy they carry,

All motions are caused by force F=ma, all motions have speed V=at, all forces are constantly attracting or repelling matters, therefore time is universal, the whole universe is existing and motion at now, past and future are only existing within our minds.

All existence is forever ongoing now. The past is not existing anymore and the future is not existing yet.

Time travel is a word puzzle that has no meaning because time is not a physical location that can be traveled. Scientists talking about time travel are very dumb.

Breaking news - a rock from volcano eruption hits the moon CNN
Do you believe in fake news? Why?

CME is like a volcano eruption on the sun. All ejected matters will fall back to the sun due to gravity. CME hits the earth is a joke, scientists talk about CME are very dumb.

Read and believe science fake news is not very smart.

All black holes, gravity waves, neutron stars are imaginary BS.

Every phenomenon in nature has a precise mechanism, no theory is correct without it.

NASA lied again?

How stupid? Why her body is constantly floating up and down? What force is moving her? Does she big fart constantly? If so, what force makes her floating down?

NASA deleted my comment on that video. Why? Why can't they answer my questions?

Can you post the same questions see if they delete your comment also?
 Fundamental Force

All matters are made from atoms, and all atoms are made from charged particles.

Charged particles only carry electrostatic force; therefore, all forces must be an electrostatic force in nature. The same charged particles repel each other, while oppositely charged particles attract each other.

There are only two fundamental forces, electrostatic attraction and repulsion forces between charged particles. Magnetic force is a circular electric force, gravity is the net electrostatic force between all charged particles between two neutrally changed masse/matters.

The strong force and weak force are imaginary. Any forces that can attract positively charged protons must be carried by negatively charged particles. So what particles carry strong force or weak force? How much charge do they carry? What's the precise mechanism?  

From Coulomb's Law, we can calculate the universal repulsion force between the line of sight electrons on the surfaces of matter 1 and matter 2. F=Ke x q1q2/R^2. In the equation, q1 is the total charge of the line of sight electrons on the surface of matter 1, and q2 is the total charge of the line of sight electrons on the surface of matter 2, with R being the distance.

The universal repulsion force is 10^39 times stronger than gravity, so how is it that masses are still attracting each other with gravity?

This is because gravity is the net electrostatic force between neutrally charged bodies.

All positively charged particles in matter 1 attract all negatively charged particles in matter 2 and repel all positively charged particles; all negatively charged particles in matter 1 attract all positively charged particles in matter 2 and repel all negatively charged particles.

Due to nature’s wonderful structure of the atoms, the net force is always a weak attractive force which is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to their distance squared, and we call it gravity. F=G x M1M2/R^2.

Gravity causes matter formation and keeps the planets in orbit. Repulsion force causes all other natural phenomena, such as energy/electromotive force simultaneously transfer throughout space,  quantum entanglement, induction, radiation, and light.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The mistakes in electromagnetism

Electromagnetism is a branch of physics involving the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force is carried by electromagnetic fields composed of electric fields and magnetic fields, and it is responsible for electromagnetic radiation such as light. Wiki

There is only electrostatic force existing between charged particles. There is no magnetic force existing due to charged particles only carrie electrostatic force. 

Light and other electromagnetic waves are at present seen as taking the form of quantized, self-propagating oscillatory electromagnetic field disturbances called photons. Different frequencies of oscillation give rise to the different forms of electromagnetic radiation, from radio waves at the lowest frequencies to visible light at intermediate frequencies, to gamma rays at the highest frequencies. Wiki

Light is visible frequency alternating current in matters/air/glass/mediums. Radio waves are invisible/low-frequency alternating current in mediums. The light must coexist with matters. There is no light/photon/EM wave/transverse wave traveling in the vacuum space at light speed. Light speed is the alternating current speed in the medium, also is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in the medium. 

Light on the sun induces light on earth and on all planets instantly and simultaneously, due to the repulsion force between the line of sight electrons on the surfaces of matters/planets, universal repulsion force/so-called levity by scientists F=Ke x ee?R^2.

Originally, electricity and magnetism were considered to be two separate forces. This view changed with the publication of James Clerk Maxwell's 1873 A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in which the interactions of positive and negative charges were shown to be mediated by one force. There are four main effects resulting from these interactions, all of which have been clearly demonstrated by experiments:
  1. Electric charges attract or repel one another with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them: unlike charges attract, like ones repel.
  2. Magnetic poles (or states of polarization at individual points) attract or repel one another in a manner similar to positive and negative charges and always exist as pairs: every north pole is yoked to a south pole.
  3. An electric current inside a wire creates a corresponding circumferential magnetic field outside the wire. Its direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) depends on the direction of the current in the wire.
  4. A current is induced in a loop of wire when it is moved toward or away from a magnetic field, or a magnet is moved towards or away from it; the direction of current depends on that of the movement. Wiki

Chapter 3 Theory Of Magnetism And Electromagnetic Induction from

Ferromagnetic material has a special property – it can be magnetizing to create temporary magnetic domains.

Every magnetic domain contains two atoms. When an electron moves from an atom to the next atom and stays there temporarily, the two atoms become a temporary magnetic domain.

The magnetic domain carries a negative charge on one end and a positive charge on the other end, so we can call a magnetic domain an electric arrow.

Due to electric arrows carrying positive charge on the head and a negative charge on the tail, it has special properties:

1. Same direction electric arrows attract each other from head to tail, and by side to side.
2. Opposite direction electric arrows repel each other from head to head, tail to tail, and by side to side.

Temporary electric arrows in magnets’ Ferro material cannot exist by themselves, but rather must all be linked into concentric rings and fill up the whole magnet, for a magnet to be stabilized and magnetized.

Therefore, on the poles of a bar magnet, there are concentric rings of electric arrows, with one pole clockwise, and the other pole counterclockwise. On the body/surface of the bar magnet, there are parallel electric arrow rings all over.

A current in a wire does not create a circular magnetic field in space. It induces the electric arrows in the compass to be parallel to its current direction; therefore, the compass moves to 90 degrees to the wire.

Between two parallel conducting wires at distance R, line of sight electrons on the surfaces of the two wires are repelling each other with electrostatic force F=Ke x ee/R^2. This repulsion force is billions of times stronger than a steel rod. Because it connects all of those repelling electrons constantly, therefore, if there is a current alternating in one wire, it will induce an alternating current in another wire instantly. This is the true mechanism of so-called electromagnetic induction. It is, in fact, electrostatic induction.

Magnetic force is a misinterpretation of circular electric force.
The magnetic field is a misinterpretation of the circular electric field.
Electromagnetic induction is a misinterpretation of electrostatic induction.
An electromagnetic wave is a misinterpretation of the electrostatic wave.
Electromagnetic radiation is a misinterpretation of electrostatic radiation.
What is quantum entanglement?

All line of sight charged particles in space are connected by electrostatic force F=-Ke x q1q2/R^2, therefore any two lines of sight particles are connected by attraction or repulsion force constantly, therefore information/energy transfer is instantaneous. Stupid scientists misinterpret the fact as quantum entanglement. Quantum anything is BS. No one knows what exactly is quantum yet. It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. -Feynman All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, “What are light quanta?” Nowadays every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. - Einstein
The biggest mistake in science is the standard model of atomic structure theory.

The theory says 1 electron and 1 proton can form a hydrogen atom. This is impossible.

There is only an attraction force F=Ke x re/R^2 existing between those two opposite charged particles, the only motion possible is an acceleration toward each other on a straight line and collide. Assume basic particles are indestructible solid balls, according to momentum conservation law, the two particles will bounce back and forth forever. The electron is impossible to orbit or wave or cloud the proton to form a stable atom, there is no such mechanism. If gravity is as strong as electrostatic force, the whole universe will become a big star.

The theory says atoms are 99.99% empty space. This is impossible because the matter is not 99% compressible.

Why those simple facts are not in textbooks? Because science is still controlled religion.

Before we truly understood the atomic structure, we can not understand the universe, all theories are just theories.

The second mistake is the light speed in vacuum space is 3x10^8 m/s.

Relativity, QM, cosmology are all based on light speed in vacuum space is C.

In fact, light only exists in matter/air/water/medium, there is no light, no photon or EM wave traveling in space at light speed. Light only exists in hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth.

Energy must coexist with the matter. Light induces light instantaneously throughout space due to the universal repulsion force/levity between the line of sight electrons on the surfaces of all matters F=Ke x ee/R^2. Light propagating in the medium at light speed. Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in the medium.

We can measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle using MIT 10 trillion frames per second camera to prove light speed in a vacuum is infinite.

But no scientists will do it. The fact that light speed in a vacuum is infinite to scientists is equal to their God is fake. The whole modern physics is based on light speed in a vacuum is 3x10^8 m/s.

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954

There is no photon particle existing. Light only coexisting with matters, there is no light, no photon, no EM wave traveling in space at light speed. All scientists are wrong.
Is science definitely real?

Not at all.

The photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize. But it is incorrect.

If the photon has momentum, why navy laser weapon has no kinetic impact?

Why light mill does not move in a hard vacuum?

Why photons don't slow down in the water like bullets?

LIGO lied detected gravity wave for more funding.

Gravity is coexisting with all matters, therefore gravity must be instantaneous. All forces are coexisting with matters, therefore forces are constantly attracting or repelling matters.

If gravity speed is not infinite, planets cannot stay in a stable orbit.

Simple facts, why the Nobel Prize awarded to LIGO?

Science is still a controlled religion.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is an idiot. He worships Einstein's BS. He says space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve. Ask him what is the precise mechanism? What kind of language are they speaking? He will pee on himself.

Will you?
Walter Lewin is an idiot. If you don't believe me, ask him how can an antenna produce EM waves? His theory is an electric current flowing back and forth in the antenna to produce EM waves but in fact, an antenna is a terminal of an electric circuit, there is no current ever passing through it.
It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. -Feynman

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, “What are light quanta?” Nowadays every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. - Einstein

Why all scientists forgot their quotes? 

What is quantum/quanta/photon/EM wave/radiant energy/light? Particle or wave? Where it comes from? How photons are emitted? How photons move? In a straight line or not? Does a photon have mass? Are red and blue photons have the same mass? How exactly photons interact with solar cells to produce electricity? What exactly is photon made of? What is photon's/EM wave's frequency? Does photon vibrate or wave? What mechanism?

If a photon has mass then gravity can accelerate and decelerate photon speed. If a photon has no mass then light has no momentum to produce current in solar cells.

If the light is photon particles that move outward at light speed from light sources/stars, then photons direction must parallel to the direction of gravity so that photons can move in a straight line. If photons can move at a constant speed, then gravity must not able to influence photon speed.

Matter and energy are coexisting and self-existing, indestructible and immortal.

Atom is an AC generator. The charged particles within an atom are indestructible. The attraction force between the positively charged nucleus and negatively charged atom ball and the repulsion forces between negatively charged particles are indestructible, therefore atom's formation energy is immortal. All atoms are constant oscillation/vibrating, therefore energy in the universe is conserved.

Energy is the motive force matter carried. Moving matter/mass carries kinetic energy 1/2MV^2. Resting matter/mass carries electric energy/heat/alternating current/chemical energy/nuclear energy.

The more atoms get together due to gravity, the more mass attracts together, the stronger gravity it has, the higher temperature it will be. Bigger stars are hotter/brighter/denser. Hotter matter carries higher voltage AC within atoms and atoms oscillate at a higher frequency.

The energy radiate out from matters' surfaces are in the form of inducing alternating current between distant matters, therefore radiant energy density is decay at 1/R^2. The energy transfers between contact matters/conduction heat transfer are in the form of alternating current, therefore heat is always moving from higher temperature matter to lower temperature matter.